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K.  Extension Activity

            Department of Maths –
                       01- One day workshop on regional mathematics Olympiad in which students of CG state
                           studying  in IX, X &XI class attended. Financial support given by CGCOST.
                       02- Three days workshop on International Mathematic Olympiad.
            Department of Physics-
                       01- Adapted a school in slum named Govt H.S. School Pt. R.S.U. campus, Raipur.
                                  -  Demonstrated physics experiments made .by P.G. students
                                  -  Lecture Delivered by faculty of department
                       02-        -      Visit of PG students to NGO ‘Kopal Vani’  running a school for deaf and
                                  dump children  at DD Nagar, Raipur.
                                  -  Students demonstrated evaporation, condensation of cloud formation through
            Department of Defence-
                       22 Feb. 2018 HUTATMA rally by college students to Malaida forest, Rajnandgaon (about 300
                            200 students were participated in rally, on the honour of Marty SI Yugal Kishor verma (Alumni
                          of department).

            Department of Botany-
                       Distribution of competitive examination books for PET, PAT to school students of Govt.
                               Higher Secondary School Jamgaon, Dist. Durg .

            Department of Chemistry-
                       Awaked 11  and 12  students about theoretical and practical importance of basic science at
                             Govt. higher secondary school Dumartarai at 14/10/2017 M.Sc. IV semester students.

            L.  Pride of College
            S.N.  Title                          Achievement
            01     Mr. Vishnu Shrivastava        Selected as coach  of Indian team for triathkon in
            02     Ku. Ayushi Singh              Test for dream job AMCAT (mukhyamantri
                   B.Sc. III Bio (1  position)   swablamban yojana)
            03     Harishankar Rajak             Identification of new fungal sps NCFT New Delhi, id
                   (Research Scholor of          no 818416 Gonadallodium indica H.P. Rajak NOVO
                   Botany Department under
                   supervision Dr. Suneeta
            04     Ku. Namrata Verma             Selected for Yuva Utasav in Vad Vivad
            05     Hitendra Verma                State level Rangoli on competition of 5000 days of
            06     Sachin Sahu                   Gold medel Red cross State level best volunteer
                   Chandrakant Devdas            III prize , Inter college badminton University level
                   Pranjal Sing                  Selected in RDC parade

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