Page 23 - Spectrum
P. 23


      Disease  awarenessprogramme world hepatitis day on


      This awareness  campaign is
    designed  to increase awareness

      about hepatitis diseases and
     conducted for local people of a
   slum Banjari nagar Raipur, on the

    occasion of world hepatitis day.
    Students presented posters and

    discussed about the  causes and
   preventive measures of hepatitis .


   Career-Counseling for PG students Feom 07 -19 august 2023
                                                                          A Carrier counseling

                                                            program was organized by

                                                            department of Physics in which
                                                            professors of physics motivated

                                                            students on various topics .

                                                            Resource person Dr. Anjali
                                                            Oudhiya motivated students on

                                                            “ Know Your Purpose, Strengths

                                                            and weakness,

   Dr. Sameer Thaker interacted
   with students on “ Various

   Scientific Careers”, Dr. Vinod

   Dubey throw light on “Carriers in
   Physics”,  Dr. B.G. Sharma

   discussed in detail about “

   Carrier in physics with focus on
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