Page 27 - Spectrum
P. 27

World Nature Conservation
                         and World Hepatitis Day on 28.07.2023

    To create awareness regarding environmental
    issues Zoological association organized various
    competitions. Students put forward many ideas
    like conserve nature with small steps, reusing
    pages of previous year notebooks, minimising
    usage of tissue papers and reusing clothes in

    making mats etc.
    Results of competitions on ‘Hepatitis Day’   :-
     Poster making             Speech
    First - Sparsha            First - Astha
    Second - Varsha            Second - Muskan
    Third - Vandana.           Third - Chirag.
    Results of competitions on ‘World Nature
    Conservation Day’

     Poster making            Slogan
    First - Sparsha           First – Vandana Gupta
    Second - Preeti           Second – Varsha Rani
    Third – Sanjana                     Nandita Koshle
                              Third – Sanjana Baghel

                                                              Posters displayed in the Wall

                                                              magazine : ZOOM
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32