Page 15 - AQAR
P. 15
2.7 Total No. of actual teaching days 187
during this academic year
2.8 Examination/ Evaluation Reforms initiated by the Institution (for example: Open Book Examination,
Bar Coding, Double Valuation, Photocopy, Online Multiple Choice Questions)
1. A (MCQ), B (Very short answer type), C ( Long answer type) questions included in all PG
2. Credit and grading system implemented in all PG programmes.
3. Some online exams were also conducted with the help of external agencies like CHIPS, for
competence mapping.
4. Online Admission and result declaration through website and SMS, is continuing.
5. Further enhancement in online facilities for admission and exam forms are in process.
6. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation process is in practice. Unit tests, quarterly, half
yearly exams for UG students and unit test/seminar/projects for PG students are organised
for monitoring the progress of students and their overall development. The answer sheets
are shown to the students for improving their performance.
2.9 No. of faculty members involved in curriculum 73
restructuring/ revision/ syllabus development
as member of Board of Study/Faculty/Curriculum
Development workshop
2.10 Average percentage of attendance of students 76%
2.11 Course/Programme wise distribution of pass percentage:
Total no.
Title of the of Division
Programme students Distinctio I II III Pass
appeared n %
B.Sc. Maths 380 11 156 197 01 93.16
B.Sc. Biology 251 04 97 142 Nil 95.22
BCA 19 Nil 06 04 Nil 52.63
PGDCA 28 Nil - 10 18 100
M.Sc. Botany 20 01 16 03 Nil 95
M.Sc. Biotechnology 15 03 12 01 Nil 86.66
M.Sc. Chemistry 20 01 11 02 Nil 65
M.Sc. Defence 10 02 09 Nil Nil 90
M.Sc. Geology 19 Nil 12 07 Nil 100
M.Sc. Mathematics 27 02 10 02 01 85.18
M.Sc. Physics 19 02 16 Nil Nil 84.21
M.Sc. Zoology 28 01 18 02 Nil 86.95
Govt. Nagarjuna Postgraduate College of Science, Raipur - AQAR 2017-18 CHCOGN11130 Page 15