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Criterion – III

            3. Research, Consultancy and Extension

            3.1 Initiatives of the IQAC in Sensitizing/ Promoting Research Climate in the institution

               IQAC encouraged the Faculty members, students and research scholars through the research cell

                     Publication  of  research  work  in  standard  peer-reviewed  International  &  National

                       Journals, 33 research papers published in the session 2017-18.
                     Submission  of  major  project  under  Extra  Mural  funding.  four  projects  have  been
                       submitted to various funding agencies.
                     Presentation  of  research  work  in  international  &  national  conferences  /  seminars  51
                       Papers were presented in the conferences in the session 2017-18.
                     Participating in Conferences, workshops and training programs. Faculty participated in
                       100 Conferences and 73 workshops in the session 2017-18.
                     Organizing   national, state level Conferences and workshops. In this academic session 7
                       national level conference and five state level workshops were organized.

                     Facilitation for procurement of various science journals, e- journals and reference books

                       in the library.
                     For research guidance 29 research students were registered and 19 Ph.D. were awarded
                       under the guidance of the faculty in the session 2017-18.
                     As  a  result  of  motivating  M.Sc.  students  to  undergo  project  work,  departments  like
                       geology, biotechnology and physics are regularly assigning project work to PG students,
                       this year around 74 students completed their projects successfully, which were evaluated
                       by external examiner, based on their presentations.
                       ( details of see annexure student projects )

            3.2 Details regarding major projects

                                      Completed        Ongoing      Sanctioned      Submitted
              Number                       -              -                -            -
              Outlay in Rs. Lakhs

            3.3 Details regarding minor projects

                                      Completed        Ongoing      Sanctioned      Submitted
              Number                      02              02              02            04
              Outlay in Rs. Lakhs       825000         820000          820000        1700000

            3.4 Details on research publications

                                                International       National        Others

              Peer Review Journals                   31                33             02
              Non-Peer Review Journals
              e-Journals                                               12
              Conference proceedings                                   02

            Govt. Nagarjuna Postgraduate College of Science, Raipur - AQAR 2017-18           CHCOGN11130   Page 18
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