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1.5 Accreditation Details

                                                            Year of
                 Sl. No.    Cycle      Grade     CGPA  Accreditatio       Validity
                    1      1  Cycle     B           -         2004       2004-2009
                    2      2  Cycle      B        2.81        2014       2014-2019
                    3      3  Cycle       -         -           -             -
                    4      4  Cycle

            1.6 Date of Establishment of IQAC:           DD/MM/YYYY

            1.7 AQAR for the year (for example 2010-11)

            1.8 Details of the previous year’s AQAR submitted to NAAC after the latest Assessment and
            Accreditation by NAAC ((for example AQAR 2010-11submitted to NAAC on 12-10-2011)

                 i.  AQAR 2012-13 submitted to NAAC on 03.04.2014__ (DD/MM/YYYY)
                ii.  AQAR_2013-14 submitted to NAAC on  09.09.2014_(DD/MM/YYYY)
               iii.  AQAR 2014-15 submitted to NAAC on  13.09.2015__(DD/MM/YYYY)
                iv.  AQAR 2015-16 submitted to NAAC on  04.10.2016 _(DD/MM/YYYY)
                v.  AQAR 2015-17 submitted  to NAAC on    31.08.2017_(DD/MM/YYYY)

            1.9 Institutional Status

                  University                  State        Central           Deemed             Private

                Affiliated College            Yes                No

                Constituent College           Yes           No

                 Autonomous college of UGC  Yes                No

                 Regulatory Agency approved Institution    Yes                No              (eg. AICTE, BCI, MCI, PCI, NCI)


                Type of Institution   Co-education              Men         Women

                                   Urban                           Rural        Tribal

                   Financial Status      Grant-in-aid         UGC 2(f)           UGC 12B

                                   Grant-in-aid + Self Financing             Totally Self-financing
            Govt. Nagarjuna Postgraduate College of Science, Raipur - AQAR 2017-18           CHCOGN11130   Page 3
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