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2.15 Plan of Action by IQAC/ Outcome
                     The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards quality
                     Enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year*

                 Plan of action    Outcome

                 Curricular        I- Industry Based Project- ( see annexure details of student projects)
                                   This year around 55 students from Geology & Biotechnology completed their
                                   projects with industrial collaboration.

                                   ICT  based  Projects  –  10  students  of  Physics  complete  their  Materials
                                   Modelling Projects based on Seista Software.

                                   II- New papers introduced on recent developments and local needs.

                                   III-  ICT  lab  courses  in  Physics  a  new  theoretical  paper  on  physics  titled
                                   “physics  of    nano  materials”,  new  topic  introduced  in  Botany  related  to
                                   ecology and new experiments added in Analytical chemistry.

                                   IV- Vocational Certificate course in Geology to be started shortly.

                 Up-gradation of   I- 08 new classrooms built with RUSA funding were built.
                 Infrastructure    II- Green house renovated in Botanical garden.
                 and Learning
                 resources         III- Shahid Rajeev Pandey auditorium renovated.
                                   IV- Indoor turf developed as new sports facility.
                                   V- Cactus garden & path way being development.

                                   VI- Plantation of rare species by Alumni of Botany department.
                                   VII-   New Tissue Culture lab developed.

                 Modifications in  I- A( MCQs),B( Very Short Answer type),C ( long answer type)  pattern
                 Teaching          implemented  in all classes
                 Learning and
                 evaluation        II- Credit and Grading system implemented in PG classes
                                   III- New methodology like flipped classrooms, experiential learning, and use
                                   of smart phone/online learning platform has greatly increased.

                                   IV-  Continuous  and  comprehensive  evaluation  process  is  in  practice.  Unit
                                   tests,  quarterly,  half  yearly  exams  for  UG  students  and  unit
                                   test/seminar/projects  for  PG  students  are  organised  for  monitoring  the
                                   progress  of students and their over all development. The answer sheets  are
                                   shown to the students for improving their performance.

                                   ( see 6.3.2 for details)

                 Research and      I- Publication of books and articles greatly enhanced, 14 books with ISBN no
                 Extension         were published

            Govt. Nagarjuna Postgraduate College of Science, Raipur - AQAR 2017-18           CHCOGN11130   Page 7
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