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06- Manthan conference on cyber security by Defence studies.

                 Innovations       Innovations introduced this year –
                                   01- Mock Test/NET coaching by Alumni and faculty members.
                                   02- Donation of plants of rare species by Botany Alumni.
                                   03- Short film released for enhancing GER for inspiring youth to join higher
                                   education under RUSA scheme.
                                   04-  Photography  competition  on  world  sparrow  day  by  department  of
                                   05- Project work by PG Physics students for specially abled students (deaf &
                                   06- Counseling program was organized by IQAC for weak students.
                                   07- Book Exhibition based on Gandhi Sahitya by Library.
                                   08- U.G. students are planting and maintaining plants with medical properties
                                   in Botanical Garden & taking care of cleanliness.
                 Initiatives to    I- One roof and one surface Rain water harvesting system are functional
                 make Eco          II- Solarization - 10 Kw solar system is installed
                 Friendly campus
                                   III- Plantation by students/faculty throughout the year on various occasions.
                                   IV- Composting pit formation in process.

                                   V- Cleanliness drive started from 2  Oct. 2017 and has become a regular
                                   feature on Saturdays in each department.
                                   VI- Use of LED’s enhanced.

                                   VII- Green audit done  by botany department
                                   VIII-  Around 450 students work on environmental project every  year. This
                                   year  first  year  students  donated  135  potted  plants  which  contributed  to  the
                                   beautification of the college and are maintaining them under Environmental
                                   Project supervised by English Department:.

                 Continuous        100 conference 73 workshop/seminars attended by faculty members. Showing
                 Professional      their awareness to update themselves in all respect.

                        * Attach the Academic Calendar of the year as Annexure-II. …..Attached

            2.16 Whether the AQAR was placed in statutory body         Yes                No


                       Management                             Syndicate              Any other body

            Provide the details of the action taken

              SN                  Future Plan 2016-17                            Action Taken
               1.    Planning to install more rain water harvesting   Two Rain Water Harvesting System
                     system in the College campus                    are Functional.

               2.    Efforts for modernization of existing sports    In process

            Govt. Nagarjuna Postgraduate College of Science, Raipur - AQAR 2017-18           CHCOGN11130   Page 9
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