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papers/practicals introduced ( see 1.4)
              10.    Enrichment of tissue culture laboratory with    Tissue culture lab was established
                     modern equipment,                               with janbhagidaree funds.
              11.    Up gradation of museum with the help of         In process
                     alumni of Botany department.
              12.    Strengthening of Library and laboratory         Not sufficient but library & some of
                     facilities.                                     the labs were updated
                                                                     (see 4.3, 4.5, 4.6)
              13.    Apply for more major and minor research work.  04 miner project submitted
              14.    Encourage faculty and research scholar to       Participation this year:
                     participate in International/ National          International journals – 12
                     conferences or workshop or training program.    National journals– 87
                                                                     Workshops attended - 73
              15.    Achievement of high standards in Research       Publications this year:
                     publication. (.03-6.2 IF)                       31 peer reviewed international
                                                                     33 peer reviewed national
                                                                     12 journal 12 conf. Proceeding
              16.    Establishment of Cactus & Fern garden           In process
              17.    Renovation of green house in Botanical garden   Infrastructure renovated, new plants
              18.    Construction of pathway in Botanical garden.    In process, PWD work going on
              19.    Organize International and national             5- RUSA state level workshop
                     conferences, workshop & training program.       7- National conference organized by
                                                                     the institute this year ( 3.25 activities
              20.    Enhancement of extension activities for the     NCC/NSS/ Red cross along with
                     upliftment of society                           departmental societies organized
                                                                     around 100 extension activities this
                                                                     year ( see 3.25 activities details)
              21.    Enhancement in Collaboration with industry      Enhanced  industry and academic
                     and national institutes.                        collaborations
                                                                     Botany -5 national
                                                                     Biotech= 03 national
                                                                     Geology -02 national
                                                                     Physics -07
              22.    Strengthening of career counselling cell.       Career and placement cell is working
                                                                     with state govt agencies implementing
                                                                     various govt schemes like
                                                                     swavalamban yojna, Sanchar kranti
                                                                     yojna etc. It is planning to start
                                                                     incubation center to develop start-up
                                                                     eco system shortly.
              23.    Up gradation of parking facility.               Paver tiles fitted & parking organized
              24.    Green and Gender audit to be done               Completed by botany and zoology
                                                                     departments respectively.

            Govt. Nagarjuna Postgraduate College of Science, Raipur - AQAR 2017-18           CHCOGN11130   Page 50
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