शासकीय नागार्जुन स्नातकोत्तर विज्ञान महाविद्यालय ,रायपुर

Government Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur

Established 1948

Affiliated to Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur

  NAAC Reports   


  • The Govt. Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur was established in 1948, since then Botany has been taught as one of the subject. In 1954, When the college was shifted to present building ,a well equipped department of Botany came into existence .
  • Till this date, the department received the humble and devoted  services of 15 learned heads of the department .It is their unreserved dedication which put the department on the path of glory and success . Pioneer of the department was Prof.C.M. Velekar ,who laid the foundation of the department later to him ; headship was received  by Prof.P.N.Gyansager.At the time of Mr. Gyansagar , lot of research was carried out in the field of Embryology and was published in reputed journals of country and aboard. He started the tradition of compulsory Botanical Tour for the Post graduate students for the collection of plants in the state and out of the state.
  • In 1956, post graduate in study was started in the department.
  • In the year 1961 researches in the field of Palaeobotany was started in the department.
  • The department received the guidance and humble services of Mr.N.C.Verma and  Dr. N.C.Pandya during 1958 to 1960. Dr.R.C. Agnihotri developed the Botanical Garden in the premises of department during 1960 to 1970, later on the headship was graced by Dr.V.B.Sharma. It is his efforts which enabled the department to open four optional papers like plant pathology, Palynology, Palaeobotany and Grassland Ecology. 
  • Botanical society for post graduation students was constituted in the year 1987 by Prof.V.B.Shukla, since then 17 issues of Botanical essay have been published under the activities of Botanical Society.
  • In 1980’s the department was headed by the dynamic professors late Dr. B .R.Verma and Late Dr.R.D.Das they didn’t left any stone unturned in development of the department.
  • In the year 1992 Dr. K. L.Tiwari took the charge of Botany department. It was his full hearted efforts that the department was able to open new vocational courses like Microbiology and Industrial Microbiology in 1993 and 1995.
  • More than 250 research papers has been published and 40 scholars received their Ph.D degrees from the department .
  • Botany department had a good number of research guides at the past like Dr. R. C. Agnihotri, Dr.V. B. Sharma, Dr. R. D. Das, Dr. M. L.Naik, Dr. K. L.Tiwari, Late Dr.S.Joshi, and Dr. M. L. Sonar and at present like Dr R. Pimpalgaokar, Dr. V.Kohli, Dr .R Diwan ,Dr V. K. Kanungo and Dr. Suneeta Patra .
  • During the period of 1995 to 1999 the department was for the first time lead by a dynamic and  confident lady Late Mrs. S. Joshi who wrote new pages of development in the history of the department.
  • In 21 first century, new era of development begun in the headship of Dr.K.L.Tiwari and Dr. S.R.Ingle followed by Dr.Preeti Tiwari and Dr R.Pimpalgaonkar.
  • New construction in the department , rebuilding of greenhouse ,naming of the plants in the botanical garden ,opening of new vocational courses like Biotechnology in 2005 are some of the worth mentioning works .
  • The department had a great tradition of writing books in Hindi for undergraduate students . Some of the popular books of Botany were written by Prof.R.C. Agihontri,Dr.V.B.Sharma, Dr.S.K.Sharma ,Dr.R.D.Das, Dr.M.L.Naik, Dr.A.K.Bansal ,Dr.M.L.Sonar, Dr.S.R.Ingle, Dr V.K.Kanungo and Dr N.B.Singh.
  • Department was blessed by some of the outstanding teachers of all time were , Dr.D.K.Tiwari, , Mr.H.C.Gavali, Mr.M.C.Saxena, Mr. L.C.Singhai, Late shri D.P.Saha, Mr.S.C.Gore, Mr. Somkant Sharma , Mr. S.R.Choudhary, Mr. K.S.Unni, Mr. R.K.Diwan, Mr.P.L.Vage, Dr.M.L.Naik, Mr. J.S.Kachhwaha, Mr. T.S Trivedi, Dr.A.K.Bansal, and Dr.B.B.More.The department was  enriched at all the levels due to their wholehearted devotion to the subject .
  • Department produced some of the great achievers who glorified and brought laurels to the department like Dr.P.C.Bisen (1968 batch) ,vice Chancellor of Jiwagi University, Gwalior; Alok Katiyar I.F.S (1986) and Mr.Maske I.F.S.(1992)
  • Remembering the past glory, the department is moving on the same path of excellence in the field of teaching, writing books , research and maintaining  continuity of academic work to  stride the department towards development, success and glory.
  • There are 9 sanctioned post for the faculty in Botany out of which 01 post is for professor and 08 for assistant professor.
  • There are 04 class-Ill & 05 class IV staff working in this department.
  • At present the teacher student ratio at under graduate level is 9:950 and 9:50 at post graduate level. The demand ratio i.e. Number of seats: Number of applicants is 1: 4 at Post Graduate Level and 1: 2 at Under Graduate level. There are 10 research scholars who had their master's degree from other institution. The curriculum of the department was revised latest at March 2010.
  • Two of the students got achievements in passing NET/SLET examination. The success rate of Post Graduate students is 100%. There are 3120 books and 10 journals in the departmental library.
  • The department is aided with 3 computers the teaching and learning process is through power point presentation, by over head projectors and also through conventional chalk and black board.
  • Arrangement of guest lecturers of eminent professors of the respective field is of regular practice. The students of Post Graduate level are made acquainted with latest developments in the field by taking them for visit to the well advanced laboratories and by taking them for study excursion tour. Organization of seminar and workshop is also done. The students are encouraged to give class seminars which make them confident about their subject and it is also part of their curriculum.
  • The department has a museum and a botanical garden of 5 acre with green house. At the U.G. level the department offers following 6 combinations of subject:-
  1. 1. Botany/Zoology/Chemistry
  2. 2. Botany/Chemistry/Geology
  3. 3. Botany/Chemistry/Defense Study 
  4. 4. Botany/Chemistry/Microbiology Chemistry
  5. 5. Botany/Chemistry/Biotechnology 
  6. 6. Chemistry/Botany/ Biochemistry


  • Title - Compilation of botanical essays in book form every year.
  • Context : Since last 25 year the department of BOTANY is publishing in house botanical essay volume to motivate students towards scientific writing and getting in depth knowledge of their subject.
  • Activities done : Total 25th volumes have been published. The topics are chosen from the syllabus. The essays are prepared under supervision of the faculty members. Teacher and students both contribute to get it typed and publish. One article from each paper in covered.
  • Student participation : All 40 to 50 students participate each year. A group of two students under the supervision of one teacher gathers and complies the knowledge about a particular topic related with their syllabus.
  • OUT PUT /IN PUT : The student search the topic in the books and the authentic site in internet which develops their reading habit. Secondly students  learn scientific writing skill and computer skills.
  • Evidence : Volumes of botanical essay




The vision of Department of Botany, Govt.N. P. G. College of Science, Raipur, C.G. is to get acknowledged in State, Nation and also aboard as a premier educational institution for value based quality education , research, skill development and platform for placement in forest and agriculture services. It has the vision for multidimensional growth of students and constructive contribution to the community. It sticks on consistent meeting of standards of excellence by conducting innovation in teaching, research and outreach on the patterns and processes of life with a focus on plants and environments.


Keeping in view of the vision, the mission of the department is to fulfill the needs regarding construction, creation, preservation and upgradation of the existing facilities. The department has a mission to maintain the balance between basic and advance knowledge which includes field study and use of advance techniques. The department has a mission of interdisciplinary teaching, linkage between advance institution and laboratory and public services, there by serving the needs and enhancing the well being of the citizens in order of priority, Raipur district, Chhattisgarh state and India.




i.         Department has well established under and post graduate lab.

ii.        Department has well developed and equipped research labs.

iii.       Department has well established museum.

iv.       Department has well developed garden enriched in medicinal and endangered plant.

v.        Department is a authorized centre of Pt RSU for research.



i.          There is lack of internet connection

ii.         Department does not have enough trained technician for the maintenance of labs.

iii.        Inadequate recurring grants for the maintenance of labs, museum and garden,

iv.        Department does not has journal publications due to lack of man power and funding.


i.          Department has opportunities to develop labs under CPE scheme of UGC.

ii.          Department receives financial co-operation from UGC to organize seminars and workshop,

iii.        Faculty of the department got financial assistance to visit abroad to attend international seminar.

iv.   Department received funds from State Govt for the infrastructure in the department.


i.          Department does not have sufficient funds for opening new courses.

ii.         Department is unable to reframe the syllabus, as per the requirement of the region because there is only 10% flexibility in P.G syllabus,

iii.        Department is unable to provide coaching facilities for NET and other competitive examination due to lack of reading material and manpower.

iv.        Department needs to develop more with recognised institute to facilitate good quality research,

v.         Protection and conservation of plants in botanical garden requires more attention in terms of funds and man power.



i.          Department is planning to open new need based special paper in PG.

ii.         Department is planning to construct cactus garden, mushroom hut and fern house.

iii.        Department is planning to hold training programme for the development of various skills like computer handling, plant collection, herbarium preparation,

iv.        Department is planning to prepare a database for biodiversity of the region.

v.         Department is developing a tissue culture lab to propagate rare plants of the locality.


  • Up gradation of Museum
  • Development of cactus and fern garden
  • Development and up gradation of tissue culture lab
  • Development well equipped research lab
  • Introduction of new elective paper
  • Organization of skill based work shop and   training programme / Seminar/conference,
  • Providing coaching of CSIR-NET for brighter students
  • Providing coaching classes for weaker students
  • Organizing educational excursion tour for students of U.G. and P.O. classes.

S. No

Name/ Designation

Teaching  experience    

Date of birth



Contact No.

    e. mail ID



Dr. Sangeeta Bajpai

 Asstt. Professor

35 years


M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D

M.Sc. - Plant Pathology

M.Phil- Bioscience

Ph .D - Plant Diversity




 Dr. N.B. Singh

 Asstt. Professor

31 years





M.Sc. - Plant Pathology

Ph .D - Aerobiology




 Dr. V.K. Kanungo

 Asstt. Professor


37 years


M.Sc, Ph.D,


M.Sc. - Plant Pathology

Ph .D – Environmental biology





Dr. Suneeta Patra

 Asstt. Professor

35 years


M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D, FBS


M.Sc. – Biotechnology


Ph .D – Plant breeding and Genetics





Dr. Diksha Khare

Assistant Professor

12 years 26/03/1974 M.Sc., Ph.D M.Sc. - Plant Pathology  




Dr. Kritika Jyoti Namdeo

Assistant Professor

12 years 03/03/1980 M.Sc., Ph.D M.Sc. - Plant Pathology   kritikajyotinamdeo@gmail.com


Mr. Om Prakash Meravi

Assistant Professor

12 years 21-07-1979 M.Sc. M.Sc. - Plant Pathology   om000079@gmail.com


   Miss Renuka Sinha

   Assistant Professor

02 years 06-03-1996 M.Sc. ,SET M.Sc. - Limnology   renukasinha6396@gmail.com

Mr. Jagmohan Sahu

Assistant Professor

02 years 17-10-1980 M.Sc., SET M.Sc. - Plant Pathology   jagmohansahu17@gmail.com


Academic achievements of the faculty members of the department

Dr. R.pimpalgaonkar

List Of Published Research Papers

  1. Usha Chandel and R.Pimpalgaonkar (2014)Seasonal variation in laef surface mycoflora of Jatropha curcus L. International Biannual research journal of recent advances in plant sciences,vol 27 ,December 2014 ,pp485-488.
  2. Usha Chandel and R.Pimpalgaonkar (2014) Efficacy of leaf exudates of Jatropha curcus L.on percentage spore germination inhibition of its selected phylloplane and rhizosphere Fungi, Indian Journal of Scie. Research 4(1).
  3. Usha Chandel and R.Pimpalgaonkar (2014)Study on occurance of rhizosphere mycoflora on Jatropha curcus L.Journal of International organization of scie. Research,Vol. 1 issue 4,pp56-57
  4. Chapter in book- Studies on isolation andecological relational ship of rhizosphere mycoflora on Jatropha curcus L.from Durg Dist. Of C.G.Proser book of Biotechnology and traditional knowledge, Biotech book New Delhi, June 2014,pp49-54.


  1. Usha Chandel
  2. Raju Mobia
  3. Mamta Tondon.

Dr. V.Kohli

Participated in National symposium on Digital medicine, 25 July 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt. J. N.M. Medical College, Raipur, C.G.

Dr. Rupinder Diwan

  1. Rashmi Devi Soni and DiwanRupinder (2015). Alternaria, a dominant fungal pathogen of nutritionally & medicinally significant plant Vignaradiata. IndianJ.L. Sci. 5(1):126-128.
  2. Smita Sharma & R. Diwan (2015). Ipomoea aquatica a Common Leafy Vegetable of Chhattisgarh v International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Volume-2, Issue-5 ISSN: 2347-7520  Available online at www.isroset.orgs.
  3. Smita Sharma, DiwanRupinder and SoniRashmi Devi  (2015). Phytopathological studies on Oxalis corniculata L., a Medicinal Herb of Chhattisgarh.      IndianJ.L. Sci.   5(1)108-110.
  4. Rashmi Devi Soni and Diwan R., and Sharma Smita (2015). Alternaria- A      Dominant Fungal Pathogen of Pisum spp.IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, Vol 1, Issue 4,PP:33-35.


1. Rashmi Devi Soni

2. Smita Sharma

1. Participated in National symposium on Digital medicine, 25 July 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt. J. N.M. Medical College, Raipur, C.G.

Dr. Avinash Kumar Sharma

Paper published

Avinash Kumar Sharma, SangitaBajpai, Swati Shrivastava and V.K.Kanungo,(2014) Inventorying Medicinal plants in Urban homegardens of Raipur , Chhattisgarh.International Journal of Herbal medicine 2 (1): 43-50.

          2 .Participated in National symposium on Digital medicine, 25 July 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt. J. N.M. Medical College, Raipur, C.G.

Dr Sangeeta Bajpai

Paper published

1.Avinash Kumar Sharma, SangitaBajpai, Swati Shrivastava and V.K.Kanungo,(2014) Inventorying Medicinal plants in Urban homegardens of Raipur , Chhattisgarh.International Journal of Herbal medicine 2 (1): 43-50.


2..Participated in National symposium on Digital medicine, 25 July 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt. J. N.M. Medical College, Raipur, C.G.


  1. 1.Text Books for CBSE old syllabus Jiva Vigyan For Class IX 2014
  2. 2. Participated in Symposium Organized by Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt, J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur on 25th July 2014.


Paper published

  1. 1. Swati Shrivastava and V.K.Kanungo (2014) Physicochemical analysis of soils in Surgujadistrict,Chhattisgarh, India,International Journal of Herbal medicine 1 (5):15-18.
  2. 2. Swati Shrivastava and V.K.Kanungo(2014) Ethnobotanical survey of Surguja district with special reference to plants used by Uraon tribe in treatment of diarrhea,International Journal of Herbal medicine 1 (5):19-22..           
  3. 3. Avinash Kumar Sharma, SangitaBajpai, Swati Shrivastava and V.K.Kanungo (2014) Inventorying Medicinal plants in Urban homegardens of Raipur , Chhattisgarh.International Journal of Herbal medicine 2 (1): 43-50.
  4. 4. S.Pandey,A.N.Bahadur,V.K.Kanungo and U . Tiwari(2014) In vitro propagation of a medicinal plant Catharanthusroseus L.(G.) DON Indian J.L.science.4 (1):125-128.
  5. Mishra, Rajesh, Kanungo,V.K. Shrivastava, Swati and Agrawal .R.K.(2014) Seasonal abundance of Zooplanktons in five ponds of Raipur city in Chhattisgarh, International Journal of Fauna and Biological studies I (6) :11-15.
  6. Khan, Sahla ,Kanungo, V.K. and Jadhav, S.K. 2015. Study of Aeromycoflora and related allergic diseases of Raipur, Chhattisgarh, International Journal of Lifescience Research 3(1):36-42.
  7. SahlaKhan,V.K.Kanungo and S.K.Jadhav 2015.Survey of Aeromycoflora of commercial complexes of Raipur city and the effects of fungal spores in causing allergic diseases, Elixir Applied Botany 87:35806-35811.
  8. Khan, Sahla ,Kanungo, V.K. and Jadhav, S.K. 2015.Prevalent allergic diseases in Raipur city with special reference to Aeromycoflora of Bus stand area, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations 3 (4): 23-28.

Chapters in book-

  1. Dewangan, K.,Shrivastava, A.,Kanungo, V.K. and Girolkar,A.K.(2014) Edible wild plants of Chhattisgarh, Biotechnology and Traditional knowledge, Biotech books, New Delhi, 69-76.
  2. Gaikwad, Sweta, Sharma, K. and Kanungo, V.K.(2014) Changes in starch content in the cotyledons of germinating Fenugreek(Trigonellafoenumgraceum L.) seeds, Biotechnology and Traditional knowledge ,Biotech books, New Delhi, 91-98.
  3. Khan, Sahla, Kanungo, V.K. and Jadhav, S.K.(2014) Study of Aeromycoflora and prevalent allergic diseases of Raipur cityduring summer and rainy season, Biotechnology and Traditional knowledge,Biotech books, New Delhi, 125-130.
  4. Sinha, Mithilishkumar, Kanungo, Vimal Kumar and Nag, Awanish (2014) Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants used by the tribals of district Bastar of Chhattisgarh state, Biotechnology and Traditional knowledge,Biotech books, New Delhi, 217-226.
  5. Soni ,Prerna, Bahadur, A.N.,Tewari, U. and Kanungo, V.K.(2014)Study on role of secondary products present in the medicinal plants, Biotechnology and Traditional knowledge,Biotech books, New Delhi, 227-234.


  1. (2014) Diversity and Species structure of Home gardens in some villages of Raipur district of Chhattisgarh.(Ph.D. awarded toSangitaBajpai).
  2. (2014) Analytical studies on the effect of cement dust on soil properties and uptake of different metals in surrounding area of cement plant in Chhattisgarh.(Ph.D. awarded toAnkitaPathak).
  3. (2014) Inventorying diversity of plants in some homegardens of Raipur, Chhattisgarh with special reference to Medicinal and Endangered plants.(Ph.D. awarded toAvinash Kumar Sharma).
  4. (2014) Study of Nutritional value, Biochemical changes and utilization of cotyledonary contents in Trigonellaand Tamirandus seeds during germination.(Ph.D. awarded toSwetaGaikwad).
  5. (2015) Diversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton in some ponds of Raipur, Chhattisgarh.- Rajesh Kumar Mishra.
  6. (2015) Ethnobotanical study of the mixed forest of Makdi block of Bastar district with reference to Tribes-SiddharthChowdhury.
  7. Ethnobotanical survey of Raipur, Chhattisgarh with special reference to plants described in folklores and used in festivals-KhushiDewangan),
  8. Survey of Aeromycoflora and related Allergic diseases of Raipur, Chhattisgarh-Sahla Khan).
  9.  "Study of species composition and phytochemistry of some abundantly growing plants of family Asteraceae in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh- Deep shikha Roy).

Participated in National symposium on Digital medicine, 25 July 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt. J. N.M. Medical College, Raipur, C.G.

Dr. Suneeta Patra

Paper published

  1. SeemaSahu, Kavita Sharma, Suneeta Patra, Aeromycological studies of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roslle) in winter season, International Journal of Scientific research, Vol.3, Issue 7, July-2014, ISSN: 2277-8179
  2. SeemaSahu, Kavita Sharma, Suneeta Patra, Aeromycological studies of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roslle) Bioscience Research and Conservation ISBN code -9783-659-64920-2.
  3. SeemaSahu, Kavita Sharma, Suneeta Patra,  Screening of mycoflora over Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roslle) in winter season, Scholars Academic  Journal of Biosciences (SAJB), 2014;2(8):529-531, ISSN-2321-6883 (online),2347-9515 (Print)
  4. DeeptiChauhan, A.k. Shrivastava and Suneeta Patra ,Secondary metabolites and ethanomedicinal importance of few leafy vegetables   used by tribal people of Chhattisgarh, Int.J.Pharmacol.Bio.Sci.Vol.9(2)2015, 215-222, ISSN-0973-6808
  5. Awadesh Kumar Shrivastava, Anita Tikariya, Suneeta Patra and M.r.Sinha, Impact of stone crushing industries on leaf anomaly architech of woody plants, Indian journal of Scientific Research: 49(1);127-133.(2014), ISSN: 0976-2876 (print),2250-0138 (online),16 
  6. A. K. Shrivastava, A. Tikariya, S. Patra Seasonal and Floristic Biodiversity of Weeds growing in Chunkatta and Bhilai area of Chhattisgarh, India,  International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 3 Number 6 (2014) pp.318- 326
  7.  A. K. Shrivastava, S. Patra and A. Tikariya, Seasonal and Floristic Biodiversity of Weeds growing in Chunkatta and Bhilai area of Chhattisgarh, India,  International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 3 Number 6 (2014) pp.318- 326
  8. Seema Sahu, Dr K1. avita Sharma and Dr. Suneeta Patra Aeromycoflora and leaf surface mycoflora of  Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roslle),Bioscience research and conservation, Lambert academic Publishing,23-30, code – 978-3-659-64920-2


1.  Vishal Khare-, Sarguja University, Supervisor (Microbiology)

Topic-Isolation and characterization of Pseudomonas species from patients with respiratory tract infection with special reference to carbapenem resistant.

        2.Seema Sahu- Pt.Ravishankar University, Co Superior ,Date of registration 17-7-12,

Topic-relation between aeromycoflora and leaf surface mycoflora of Hibiscus  sabdariffa(Roselle).

3. Indu Soni, Pt.Ravishankar University, Co superior ,Date of registration 17-7-12

 Topic- Study of indoor aeromicroflora of Pt. Sundar,lal Sharma library in Pt.RSU Raipur, C.G.

    4.Anita Tikaria, Pt.Ravinshankar University, Co superior ,    Date of registration 15-12-11,

Topic-Study of Industrial soil and its ecophysiological effect on the  plants of Bhilai Industrial area

5.       Harishankar Prasad Rajak, Pt.Ravishankar University, Co superior ,Date of registration 17-7-2012, Topic- Studies on extramural and intramural aeromicroflora of different temples at Raipur

6.       Anju Bhandari, Pt.Ravishankar University, Superior ,Date of registration 20-7-13,

Topic- Study of Antisickling activities of herbs traditionally used by tribal people in the treatment of sickle cell disease.

7.       Dipti Chouhan, Pt.Ravishankar University, Co superior,Date of registration 20-7-13, Topic-Medicinal and nutritional analysis of some leafy vegetables of Durg District

8.Pranita Bansode, Pt.Ravishankar University, Co superior ,Date of registration 20-7-13, Topic- Ethnobotanical analysis of herbs Gynecological disorders used by tribal people of Chhattisgarh

9.       Amit Kumar-  Pt.Ravishankar University, Superior (Botany) Date of Registration- 14-10-2014 Topic – Studies on in vitro propagation of Madhuca indica (J.Koening ex L. /J.F. Macbr.) (MAHUA)

10.     Chanchal Chaturvedi-, Pt.Ravishankar University, Superior ,Date of Registration- 29-09.2014     

Topic- Effect of Tinospora cordifolia,Miers and Aloe vera , Mill on plant extracts rich in secondary metabolites


The Botany Department is unique because it offers research facilities in various fields of plant sciences and interdisciplinary PhD programs. Our faculties are involved in basic and applied research in plant sciences relevant to region, state, nation and globe.

The field of plant sciences in which the research is going on includes plant pathology, taxonomy, environmental biology, biodiversity, Limnology, ecology, , microbiology, aerobiology, tissue culture, ethno botany, economic botany and medicinal plants.

List Of Published Research Papers During  2014-2015

Dr. R.pimpalgaonkar

  1. Usha Chandel and R.Pimpalgaonkar (2014)Seasonal variation in laef surface mycoflora of Jatropha curcus L. International Biannual research journal of recent advances in plant sciences,vol 27 ,December 2014 ,pp485-488.
  2. Usha Chandel and R.Pimpalgaonkar (2014) Efficacy of leaf exudates of Jatropha curcus L.on percentage spore germination inhibition of its selected phylloplane and rhizosphere Fungi, Indian Journal of Scie. Research 4(1).
  3. Usha Chandel and R.Pimpalgaonkar (2014)Study on occurance of rhizosphere mycoflora on Jatropha curcus L.Journal of International organization of scie. Research,Vol. 1 issue 4,pp56-57
  4. Chapter in book- Studies on isolation andecological relational ship of rhizosphere mycoflora on Jatropha curcus L.from Durg Dist. Of C.G.Proser book of Biotechnology and traditional knowledge, Biotech book New Delhi, June 2014,pp49-54.


  1. Usha Chandel
  2. Raju Mobia
  3. Mamta Tondon.

Dr. V.Kohli

  1. Participated in National symposium on Digital medicine, 25 July 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt. J. N.M. Medical College, Raipur, C.G.

Dr. RupinderDiwan

  1. Rashmi Devi Soni and DiwanRupinder (2015). Alternaria, a dominant fungal pathogen of nutritionally & medicinally significant plant Vignaradiata. IndianJ.L. Sci. 5(1):126-128.
  2. Smita Sharma & R. Diwan (2015). Ipomoea aquatica a Common Leafy Vegetable of Chhattisgarh v International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Volume-2, Issue-5 ISSN: 2347-7520  Available online at www.isroset.orgs.
  3. Smita Sharma, DiwanRupinder and SoniRashmi Devi  (2015). Phytopathological studies on Oxalis corniculata L., a Medicinal Herb of Chhattisgarh.      IndianJ.L. Sci.   5(1)108-110.
  4. Rashmi Devi Soni and Diwan R., and Sharma Smita (2015). Alternaria- A      Dominant Fungal Pathogen of Pisum spp.IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, Vol 1, Issue 4,PP:33-35.


1. Rashmi Devi Soni

2. Smita Sharma

1. Participated in National symposium on Digital medicine, 25 July 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt. J. N.M. Medical College, Raipur, C.G.

Dr. Avinash Kumar Sharma

Paper published

Avinash Kumar Sharma, SangitaBajpai, Swati Shrivastava and V.K.Kanungo,(2014) Inventorying Medicinal plants in Urban homegardens of Raipur , Chhattisgarh.International Journal of Herbal medicine 2 (1): 43-50.

 Participated in National symposium on Digital medicine, 25 July 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt. J. N.M. Medical College, Raipur, C.G.

Dr Sangeeta Bajpai

Paper published

Avinash Kumar Sharma, SangitaBajpai, Swati Shrivastava and V.K.Kanungo,(2014) Inventorying Medicinal plants in Urban homegardens of Raipur , Chhattisgarh.International Journal of Herbal medicine 2 (1): 43-50.

Participated in National symposium on Digital medicine, 25 July 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt. J. N.M. Medical College, Raipur, C.G.


Text Books for CBSE old syllabus Jiva Vigyan   For Class IX 2014

Participated in Symposium Organized by Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt, J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur on 25th July 2014.


Paper published

  1. Swati Shrivastava and V.K.Kanungo (2014) Physicochemical analysis of soils in Surgujadistrict,Chhattisgarh, India,International Journal of Herbal medicine 1 (5):15-18.
  2. Swati Shrivastava and V.K.Kanungo(2014) Ethnobotanical survey of Surguja district with special reference to plants used by Uraon tribe in treatment of diarrhea,International Journal of Herbal medicine 1 (5):19-22..      
  3. 3.         Avinash Kumar Sharma, SangitaBajpai, Swati Shrivastava and V.K.Kanungo (2014) Inventorying Medicinal plants in Urban homegardens of Raipur , Chhattisgarh.International Journal of Herbal medicine 2 (1): 43-50.
  4. S.Pandey,A.N.Bahadur,V.K.Kanungo and U . Tiwari(2014) In vitro propagation of a medicinal plant Catharanthusroseus L.(G.) DON Indian J.L.science.4 (1):125-128.
  5. Mishra, Rajesh, Kanungo,V.K. Shrivastava, Swati and Agrawal .R.K.(2014) Seasonal abundance of Zooplanktons in five ponds of Raipur city in Chhattisgarh, International Journal of Fauna and Biological studies I (6) :11-15.
  6. Khan, Sahla ,Kanungo, V.K. and Jadhav, S.K. 2015. Study of Aeromycoflora and related allergic diseases of Raipur, Chhattisgarh, International Journal of Lifescience Research 3(1):36-42.
  7. SahlaKhan,V.K.Kanungo and S.K.Jadhav 2015.Survey of Aeromycoflora of commercial complexes of Raipur city and the effects of fungal spores in causing allergic diseases, Elixir Applied Botany 87:35806-35811.
  8. Khan, Sahla ,Kanungo, V.K. and Jadhav, S.K. 2015.Prevalent allergic diseases in Raipur city with special reference to Aeromycoflora of Bus stand area, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations 3 (4): 23-28.

Chapters in book-

  1. Dewangan, K.,Shrivastava, A.,Kanungo, V.K. and Girolkar,A.K.(2014) Edible wild plants of Chhattisgarh, Biotechnology and Traditional knowledge, Biotech books, New Delhi, 69-76.
  2. Gaikwad, Sweta, Sharma, K. and Kanungo, V.K.(2014) Changes in starch content in the cotyledons of germinating Fenugreek(Trigonellafoenumgraceum L.) seeds, Biotechnology and Traditional knowledge ,Biotech books, New Delhi, 91-98.
  3. Khan, Sahla, Kanungo, V.K. and Jadhav, S.K.(2014) Study of Aeromycoflora and prevalent allergic diseases of Raipur cityduring summer and rainy season, Biotechnology and Traditional knowledge,Biotech books, New Delhi, 125-130.
  4. Sinha, Mithilishkumar, Kanungo, Vimal Kumar and Nag, Awanish (2014) Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants used by the tribals of district Bastar of Chhattisgarh state, Biotechnology and Traditional knowledge,Biotech books, New Delhi, 217-226.
  5. Soni ,Prerna, Bahadur, A.N.,Tewari, U. and Kanungo, V.K.(2014)Study on role of secondary products present in the medicinal plants, Biotechnology and Traditional knowledge,Biotech books, New Delhi, 227-234.


  1. (2014) Diversity and Species structure of Home gardens in some villages of Raipur district of Chhattisgarh.(Ph.D. awarded toSangitaBajpai).
  2. (2014) Analytical studies on the effect of cement dust on soil properties and uptake of different metals in surrounding area of cement plant in Chhattisgarh.(Ph.D. awarded toAnkitaPathak).
  3. (2014) Inventorying diversity of plants in some homegardens of Raipur, Chhattisgarh with special reference to Medicinal and Endangered plants.(Ph.D. awarded toAvinash Kumar Sharma).
  4. (2014) Study of Nutritional value, Biochemical changes and utilization of cotyledonary contents in Trigonellaand Tamirandus seeds during germination.(Ph.D. awarded toSwetaGaikwad).
  5. (2015) Diversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton in some ponds of Raipur, Chhattisgarh.- Rajesh Kumar Mishra.
  6. (2015) Ethnobotanical study of the mixed forest of Makdi block of Bastar district with reference to Tribes-SiddharthChowdhury.
  7. Ethnobotanical survey of Raipur, Chhattisgarh with special reference to plants described in folklores and used in festivals-KhushiDewangan),
  8. Survey of Aeromycoflora and related Allergic diseases of Raipur, Chhattisgarh-Sahla Khan).
  9.  "Study of species composition and phytochemistry of some abundantly growing plants of family Asteraceae in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh- Deep shikha Roy).

Participated in National symposium on Digital medicine, 25 July 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt. J. N.M. Medical College, Raipur, C.G.

Dr. Suneeta Patra

Paper published

  1.    SeemaSahu, Kavita Sharma, Suneeta Patra, Aeromycological studies of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roslle) in winter season, International Journal of Scientific research, Vol.3, Issue 7, July-2014, ISSN: 2277-8179
  2. . SeemaSahu, Kavita Sharma, Suneeta Patra, Aeromycological studies of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roslle) Bioscience Research and Conservation ISBN code -9783-659-64920-2.
  3.  SeemaSahu, Kavita Sharma, Suneeta Patra,  Screening of mycoflora over Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roslle) in winter season, Scholars Academic  Journal of Biosciences (SAJB), 2014;2(8):529-531, ISSN-2321-6883 (online),2347-9515 (Print)
  4. .DeeptiChauhan, A.k. Shrivastava and Suneeta Patra ,Secondary metabolites and ethanomedicinal importance of few leafy vegetables   used by tribal people of Chhattisgarh, Int.J.Pharmacol.Bio.Sci.Vol.9(2)2015, 215-222, ISSN-0973-6808
  5.  Awadesh Kumar Shrivastava, Anita Tikariya, Suneeta Patra and M.r.Sinha, Impact of stone crushing industries on leaf anomaly architech of woody plants, Indian journal of Scientific Research: 49(1);127-133.(2014), ISSN: 0976-2876 (print),2250-0138 (online), 16.          A. K. Shrivastava, A. Tikariya, S. Patra Seasonal and Floristic Biodiversity of Weeds growing in Chunkatta and Bhilai area of Chhattisgarh, India,  International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 3 Number 6 (2014) pp.318- 326
  6. A. K. Shrivastava, S. Patra and A. Tikariya, Seasonal and Floristic Biodiversity of Weeds growing in Chunkatta and Bhilai area of Chhattisgarh, India,  International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 3 Number 6 (2014) pp.318- 326
  7. Seema Sahu, Dr Kavita Sharma and Dr. Suneeta Patra Aeromycoflora and leaf surface mycoflora of  Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roslle),Bioscience research and conservation, Lambert academic Publishing,23-30, code – 978-3-659-64920-2


1. Vishal Khare-, Sarguja University, Supervisor (Microbiology)  .                                                             Topic-Isolation and characterization of Pseudomonas species from patients with respiratory tract infection with special reference to carbapenem resistant.

2.Seema Sahu- Pt.Ravishankar University, Co Superior ,Date of registration 17-7-12,                              Topic-relation between aeromycoflora and leaf surface mycoflora of Hibiscus  sabdariffa(Roselle).

3. Indu Soni, Pt.Ravishankar University, Co superior ,Date of registration 17-7-12                                    Topic- Study of indoor aeromicroflora of Pt. Sundar,lal Sharma library in Pt.RSU Raipur, C.G

4.Anita Tikaria, Pt.Ravinshankar University, Co superior ,   Date of registration 15-12-11,                        Topic-Study of Industrial soil and its ecophysiological effect on the  plants of Bhilai Industrial area

5. Harishankar Prasad Rajak, Pt.Ravishankar University, Co superior ,Date of registration 17-7-2012,   Topic- Studies on extramural and intramural aeromicroflora of different temples at Raipur

6. Anju Bhandari, Pt.Ravishankar University, Superior ,Date of registration 20-7-13,                                Topic- Study of Antisickling activities of herbs traditionally used by tribal people in the treatment of sickle cell disease.

7. Dipti Chouhan, Pt.Ravishankar University, Co superior,Date of registration 20-7-13,                            Topic-Medicinal and nutritional analysis of some leafy vegetables of Durg District

8. Pranita Bansode, Pt.Ravishankar University, Co superior ,Date of registration 20-7-13,                        Topic- Ethnobotanical analysis of herbs Gynecological disorders used by tribal people of Chhattisgarh

9. Amit Kumar-  Pt.Ravishankar University, Superior (Botany) Date of Registration- 14-10-2014              Topic – Studies on in vitro propagation of Madhuca indica (J.Koening ex L. /J.F. Macbr.) (MAHUA)

10.  Chanchal Chaturvedi-, Pt.Ravishankar University, Superior ,Date of Registration- 29-09.2014       Topic- Effect of Tinospora cordifolia,Miers and Aloe vera , Mill on plant extracts rich in secondary metabolites

Invited Talks/Guest   Speaker-

Basics of stem cell, National CME on biochemical aspects of inborn error of metabolism , 17 January 2015 & 2nd AMBICON Chhattisgarh state chapter, Dept. of Biochemistry, Late Shri Lakhiram Agarwal memorial medical college, Raigarh C.G.  

Chair Person –

1. Multidisciplinary National Conference on Impact of Emergency Science and Technology on Society: Opportunities and Challenges- January 29-30 2019 Seth Phool Chand Agarwal Smriti Post Graduate College, Nawapara Rajim, C.G.

2. Judge – Science exhibition, National Science Day, Govt. Radhabai Naveen Kanya Mahavidhylaya, Raipur, C.G.2019

Attended-National CME on point of care testing, 6 th AMBICON – Chhattisgarh state chapter organized by Dept. of Biochemistry, CIMS, Bilaspur, C.G. 27 Jan 2019

Paper presentation -

  1.  Paper presentation in International colloquium on endocrinology and physiology, under the auspicious of Indian society for comparative Endocrinology 29 – 30 September, 2014. Department of Zoology, Govt  D.B. Girls’ P.G. College, Raipur, C.G.
  2. .P. Jha, Dr. P.K.Patra, Dr.S. Patra , Isolating/In vitro culturing the hematopoietic stem cells of neonates having sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait and testing the effectiveness of novel growth facrors from different sources,National CME on biochemical aspects of inborn error of metabolism , 17 January 2015 , Dept. of Biochemistry, Late Shri Lakhiram Agarwal memorial medical college, Raigarh C.G.
  3. Hands on workshop on Bioinformatics in medical sciences, 25-31 JULY 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry,  Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur (C.G.)
  4. Participated- National symposium on Digital medicine, 25 July 2014, Dept. of Biochemistry, Pt. J. N.M. Medical College, Raipur, C.G.


Ph. D Awarded during session 2018-2019


Name of Ph.D. Scholar

Name of the department

Name of guide/s

Title of the thesis

Year of the registration of the scholar

Year of Award

 of Ph.D.

Smt. Rashmi Devi


Dr. R. Diwan

Characterisation of phytopathogenic abilities of leaf fungi of common legume crops from Chhattisgarh.





Harishankar Prasad


Dr. Preeti Tiwari and Dr. Suneeta Patra (CS)

Studies on extramural and intramural aeromicroflora of different temples at Raipur.




Smt. Deepti Chauhan


Dr. Awadesh Shrivastava and Dr. Suneeta Patra (CS)

Medicinal and nutritional analysis of some leafy vegetables of Durg District.




Ku. Anju Bhandari


Dr. Suneeta Patra and Dr. P.K. Patra  (CS)

Study of anti-sickling property of plants traditionally used by tribal people of Chhattisgarh for the treatment of Sickle Cell Anaemia.






Evaluation of angiospermic sources against Alternaria   alternaria isolated from Amaranthus hybridus L. a popular leafy diet of Chhattisgarh


Journal of Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur Part B (Science).



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Production potential and biological efficiency of five Pleurotus species

R. Diwan

International journal of research and analytical reviews



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Comparative study on cultivation and yield of different  Pleurotus species

R. Diwan

International archive of applied sciences and technology( IAAST)



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Seasonal variations in the aeromycoflora of Mentha arvensis.

Dr. N. B. Singh

Flora and Fauna



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Impact of coal fly ash on Physical Characteristics of Soil.

Kanungo, V.K.

Review of Business and Technology Research



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Assessment of Physical and Biological status of waste water discharged from milk processing unit at Durg

Kanungo, V.K.

 Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Physicochemical characteristics of waste water discharged from milk processing unit

Kanungo, V.K.

International journal of Research and Analytical Reviews



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Comparison of physiochemical properties of soil and coal fly ash & utilization of coal fly ash as a soil conditioner.

V.K. Kanungo

Universal review



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Effect of coal ash incorporation on physical properties of soil.

V.K. Kanungo

International journal of basic and applied research



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Impact of coal fly ash amrlioration on chemical properties of soil

V.K. Kanungo

International journal of basic and applied research



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Plants used by tribal people of Chhattisgarh for Gynecological disorders.

Suneeta Patra

Indian J. Applied & Pure Bio.



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Secondary metabolites and antioxidants screening of Lablab purpureus (L.) sweet in different solvents

Suneeta Patra

Adv. Pharmacol. Toxicol



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Effect of Industrial Effluents on Ecophysiological Properties of Plants of Bhilai Industrial Area, India.

Suneeta Patra

Ambient science



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Comparative phytochemical analysis of the aqueous  leafy extract of some important leafy vegetables from  Durg (Chhattisgarh)

Suneeta Patra

Life Science Bulletin





Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur

Phytochemical analysis of some plants used in Gynecological disorder by tribal people of Mohlamanpur area of Chhattisgarh.

Suneeta Patra

National Journal of Life Science



Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur













Context :

OU was signed between Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur, C. G. (NPGCS) and Sickle cell Institute Chhattisgarh, Raipur (SCIC) on 28 November 2014 for 5 years.

 The objectives of signing this MOU were -

  • Joint research and development projects in the area of herbal plants, traditional medicine and allied sciences research to be funded by external funding agencies.
  • Validation of plant based formulations that are used in traditional and folk medicine will be carried out at both NPGCS and SCIC.
  • Organizing and participating in joint Symposium/ Conferences/Workshops/Short term refresher courses conducted by both the organizations.
  • Short term and long term development programmes on topics of mutual interest. Medicinal and technical consultancy activities of mutual interest. Exchange of guest lectures.
  • Extending technical support and knowledge sharing mutually for faculty in both the institutions.


Students will be benefitted in their project and research work. The P.G. and U.G. will get acquainted with latest techniques and modern laboratories having latest facilities.




  • Decision was taken unanimously that copy of syllabus should be made available to invited subject experts in advance, in order to receive positive inputs for improvement in curriculum.
  • Board of studies Botany of department had extended an approval for change in question paper pattern in B.Sc. I consisting of 3 parts viz. Multiple choice, Short answer and long answer type questions.


 New pattern of question paper will enable the students to get the in depth knowledge of the subjects. The student will develop the skill of writing the answers more precisely; they will develop the confidence in the subject knowledge.


ACADEMIC SESSION  :   2014-2015

(a) Guest Lectures : 

  1. Padma shree Dr. Lalji Singh, Retd vice chancellor B.H.U., Fellow CCMB- 6-11-2014 : DNA finger printing and applications.
  2. Dr. S.C. Panda, Retd. Professor Botany- 8.10.2014:  Measures on environment protection.
  3. Dr. Somkant Sharma,  Retd. Professor Botany 8.10.2014 :  Plant identification, collection of plant species and herbarium preparation.
  4. Dr.M.L.Naik,  Retd. Professor Botany 14.10.2014
  5. Dr. A. Girolkar,  Principal, Govt. D.B.Girls' P.G. College, Raipur,C.G. 14.10.2014
  6. Dr. K.K. Sahu,  Scientist, IGKV, Raipur, Date :13-10-2014
  7. Dr. T. Shrinivasu, Prof. R.t.M. University Nagpur, Date : 25.04.2015 : Future prospects in Botany
  8. Dr. K. Subramanium. IFS , Date :  02.05.2015  :  Biodiversity
  • Participants : Students of P.G. Botany , Zoology, Biotechnology >
  • Outcome : The students got opportunity to meet Padma shree Dr. Lalji Singh and other renold speakers. They were benefitted by their knowledge; they also got opportunity to interact with them.

(b) Study Tour : 

  • Study tour for B.Sc. II year students to Ghatarani Jaitmai, Dist. Gariaband  on 25-01-2014. 
  • Context : A study tour of for B.Sc. II year students was organized by Botany Dept. on 25-01-2014 to make students aware of biodiversity of that particular area.
  • Activities done :  Jatmai –Ghatarani are 2 different places, it was one day trip, with 200 km approximately to and fro distance from Raipur. The students visited waterfall at Jaitmai and forest area. Ghataraniwas 25 km from Jaitmai its natural forest area gave an opportunity to the students to study ecology of that area. Ethnobotanical survey in Ghata rani forest region gave information about the herbs used as traditional medicine.The local healers gave information about mature fruits of Manhar used as fish poison. Kalihari and Fudhar plants found here toxic. Pipal ,Senha, Satavar.Aithi plants were seen which are use das medicine and healing purposes.
  • Students participation : The trip consisted of students and the faculty members of the Botany department.
  • Out come : It was one day tour. The students got benefitted by observing the vegetation type of forest area. They also got knowledge about the ecology , environment and Ethanobotany of that particular area.

(c)  Activities organized by Students :

Following activities were performed by the students :-

  1. Information was given by P.G. students of the Botany Department for awareness for sickle cell disease, water borne and food borne disease to the school going children on 17-10-2014 at Jamgoan village dist. Durg
  2. Plantation in Botanical garden and college premises was done.
  3. Wall magazine was prepared throughout the session.
  4. Details of the date wise activities & support from Alumni association.

(d) Alumni meet was organized on 08.1.2015

Decision taken in the meeting were- 

  • 1. To guide the students by sharing the experiences of the alumni.
  • 2. To give career guidance to the students by the alumni.
  • 3.  To organize guest lectures.

(e) Eco-friendly Activity 

  • Initiatives taken by the department to make the campus eco-friendly. Under the activity of Botanical society students do plantation from time to time in the college premises and they also take care of the plants. Students also take care to keep the surrounding of the department and Botanical garden clean.
  • (f) Contribution to environmental protection / awareness.
  • Guest lecturers related to environment awareness and pollution, poster competition and other activities were organized for the awareness and protection of the environment.

ACADEMIC SESSION  :   2017-2018


The Botanical society of Department of Botany, conducted a plantation programme. All the faculty members of various department of the college had participated. Different types of plants like gymnosperm, medicinal, pteridophytes and plants of economic, importance were planted. Several plants of economic importance were planted by the faculty member as well as the students.



The plantation programme was Botanical society of Department of Botany and  graced by the presence of Dr.(Mrs.) Vaibhav Acharya, Assistant Professor, Govt. D.B.P.G girls college, Raipur (C.G.) and all the members of the department. Several plants of economic and medicinal importance were planted by the faculty members as well as the students


3. Independence day Celebration  on 15-08-2017

Our college celebrated Independence Day on 15th August 2017. The programme was graced by the presence ofthe of Principal of our college Dr. K.N. Bapat. He hoisted the National flag on the college building sharp at 8.00 AM. All the students and faculty members of MSc (Botany) Department saluted the flag and then sang the National Anthem. Patriotic poems and songs were recited both by the Professors and students and the programme was concluded successfully.

4. Swacchhata Abhiyan on 26 August 2017.

It is a great initiative started by our college to make the environment clean and pollution free. The students of M.Sc. I Semester and M.Sc. III Semester of Botany department took part in this abhiyan on 26 August 2017. The students along with the faculty members of the department collected the waste and plastic materials from the college campus. Our principal also contributed to the abhiyan by helping in cleaning the playground. Professors from various departments also contributed in the Abhiyan. There after Principal sir delivered the speech on the importance of sanitation. He honoured the sweepers of the college for their noble job.

5. Teacher's Day Celebration (05-09-2017)

The students of M.Sc. I and M.Sc. III semester of Botany celebrated teacher's day on 5th of September 2017. The function was graced by the presence Principal incharge Dr. S.K.Bhatt and  all the respected faculty members of the department as well as technical staff members of 

Botany Department. On this occassion all the faculty members were honoured by a bouquet, shriphal, momento and token gift as a mark of regards and affection by the students. Various recreational activities were performed by the students. The welcome song was sung by students of M.Sc I Semester. Various students gave speeches on Dr. Radhakrishnan. Two group dances were performed by students of M.Sc. -I and M.Sc.-III semester. Dr. (Mrs.) Rekha Pimpalgaonkar Head of the botany department delivered a speech on the biography of Dr. Radhakrishnan. All faculty members appreciated the efforts made by the students on the occasion and also shared their views on Teacher's day. Over all it was an amazing day. At last a vote of thanks to the teachers was presented by Divya Ledwani (M.Sc III Semester,Botany). The programme was concluded by a plantation in the botanical garden.


6. Visit to Dr. BhimRao Ambedkar Medical College(08-11-2018)

The students of M.Sc III Semester (Botany) visited the laboratory of  Bhimrao Ambedkar Medical College, Raipur on 8th November 2017.The visit was organized Dr. Suneeta. Patra. The purpose of the visit was to study and gain knowledge about the technical useful  instruments. Students performed the practical on RFLP and Protein Profiling. They also studied  about the Mass Spectroscopy and PCR.

7. Excursion Tour (03-02-2018)

On  3rd  February,2018 educational tour was organized by our botanical society to Sirpur(82.2km) and Barnawapara. Sirpur is a historical place, there students visited Surang tila, Laxman temple, museum, Gandheshwer Mahadev temple and the biggest river of Chhattisgarh that is Mahanadi. Students also visited Barnawapara which is a famous tourist place of Chhattisgarh containing rich biodiversity. All the students of M.Sc. II and IV Semester of Botany along with the faculty members Dr. (Mrs.) Rekha Pimpalgaonkar Head, department of Botany, Dr. Avinash Kumar Sharma, Dr. Vimal Kanungo, Dr. N. B. Singh, and Shri Namdev from staff Botany laboratory collected different plant species during this visit. Secchi disk transparency experiment was done on the Mahanadi, over all it was an amazing, joyful and a trip full of knowledge for the students.


ACADEMIC SESSION  :   2018-2019

A visit to Indira Gandhi Krishi Viswavidhyalaya, Raipur on 27-10-2018 and 28-10 2018 

The department of botany Govt. N.P.G. College of science Raipur(C.G.) organised 2 days visit on 27-10-2018 and 28-10 2018 to learn techniques involved in DNA isolation and PCR amplification at biotechnology lab IGKV.

Activities –

  • Initially, all the students did field trip and began discussion related to the scientific information needed to understand the objectives of the lab activity.
  • The students were divided into 4 groups for performing experiments. Attention was then turned to the protocol, the students were using that day, as step by step students were guided, they worked through the activity.
  • On 1st day, we learnt techniques involved in DNA isolation from leaves by CTAB method.
  • On 2nd day, we performed polymerase chain reaction and gel electrophoresis of DNA.
  • In this visit, we have seen various machines such as sanger’s DNA sequencing machine, thermo cycler, RT PCR, robotic machine for gel electrophoresis, gel documentation, nanodrop machine,power plant pro DNA isolation kit, qiagen QIAxcel etc.
  • We had also gone to IGKV museum and library.

Outcome –

It was a good experience, which has provided exposure to all the students. We are sure that this visit helps us in our future practical life and bring a positive change in our thinking and practical behaviour regarding.

Participants –

Anusha Jadhav,  Chhaya Chauhan, Deepak Choudhary, Divya Sahu, Hemshikha Sahu,  Jaya Verma, Jogsundar Pradhan, Khelawan Tandan, Manisha Panna, Priya Dhiwar, Rashmi Thakur, Shradha Barik,  Shubham Tandan, Sonal Kashyap, Sulochana Dhruw, Umang Dubey, Vijayalaxmi Dewangan, Yamini Tyagi

EVIDENCES: Photographs of A VISIT TO IGKV,RAIPUR ON 27.10.2018 AND 28.10.2019


ACADEMIC SESSION  :   2019-2020

(a) Guru Purnima Celebration By P.G. Students : 

  • Guru purnima celebration was held in our Botany department on 16th of July 2019 by the M.Sc Final year students.
  • The significance of this day is that the Guru holds the most essential position in one’s life and to give him respect and honor people celebrate Guru Purnima . It is celebrated on the full moon day in the Hindu month of Ashadh.
  • Activities : The students worshiped Goddess Saraswati along with professors. Then the students honoured the professors with shriphal and worshiped them, we took their blessings and thanked them for playing such an important role in our life.
  • Outcome : The professrs were overwelhmed with joy seeing our gesture.
  • Participants:   M.Sc. 3rd semester- Devleena Mukherjee, Twinkle Kushwaha, Yamini Verma, Reena Porte, Manju Goyal, Megha Nayak, Taruna Sinha, Sanjeev Chauhan,Shikha Tamrakar, Sheetal Sarthi, Dharmendra Netam, Dageshwar Jangade, Bhumika Yadav, Ved Prabha Roy, Deepika Maravi, Saroj Verma , Bhavana Sinha, Manak Lal Dhruv, Madhu Sharma, Priyanka Singh.
  • Evidences :  Photgraph of Guru purnima celebrated on 16th July 2020.


 activities of botanical society 2019 20


 final report of botanical department 2020-21


Activities botanical society 2021-2022


Activiteis 2022-23


Botanical Society 




            Title -Visit to Funda SRT farm dist. Durg

Context - Visit to Funda SRT farm dist. Durg was organized on 20 March 2015 for P.G. students of dept. of Botany.

Objective - The objective of this to visit was to provide the students practical knowledge about various techniques of organic farming.

Activities- The students got knowledge about bio gas production, organic farming, biofertilizer, biopecticides, their commercial production and marketing. The students were given practical knowledge about fungal and bacterial strain used in the process and their improvement in their R&D department.

Outcome – The students got practical knowledge about the various activities going on the farm .They also got knowledge about commercial production and marketing of the products produced in the farm so that they could also develop their own organic farm.









Title-  Skill development and environmental protection programme

Context - 7 days Skill development and environmental protection programme was organized from 8-10-2014 to 14-10-2014.

Objective - The objective of this programme was to give knowledge and to share technique and give training for Bonzai technique, horticulture practices, terrace gardening and vermicomposting. The sessions included guest lectures of eminent speaker of the field followed by practical demonstration.

Activities DAY 1

Inauguration ceremony:

The training program was inaugurated by prof. Somkant Sharma ex prof.and Head Govt.V.Y.T.P.G. college Durg. Prof.P.C Panda express prof.V.Y.T.P.G. college Durg was the special guest on this occasion.The inaugural function was presided by Dr.S.V.K. Prasad , Principal,Govt.N.P.G. college of science, Raipur. Dr. Rekha Pimpalgaonkar prof. and Head Deptt.of Botany highlighted the applied aspects of the training.Dr.V.K.kanungo introduced the chief guest and special guest to the audience. The program was conducted by Dr.R.Diwan .Vote of thanks was given by Dr.Sunita patra.

Lecture session:

Prof.Somkant Sharma ,chief Guest of the function delivered a lecture on plant identification, collection of plant species and gave guidelines on herbarium preparation. Prof.P.C.Panda special Guest delivered a lecture on measures of environment protection.

DAY 2                                        

Introduction of Bonsai technique:

Mr.Anil Verma was the demonstrator for the workshop on Bonsai. He introduced Bonsai techniques to the students of M.Sc.1st and 3rd semester as well as B.Sc.final year student. He emphasized on the study of requirements for Bonsai techniques. He delivered a lecture on the types of Bonsai style.


Pot formation and soiless composition for Bonsai plantation.

A lecture was delivered by Shri. Anil Verma on the prerequisites Bonsai preparation.

   Making of soilless composition for plantation of Bonsai .

   DAY 4

Plantation of Bonsai plant in pot in a proper manner.

Plantation of Bonsai by the students


Grafting and Budding techniques:

Introduction to grafting and Budding was explained by Shri Anil Verma and practice of grafting, Buddimg by students in botanical garden.


Terrace Gardening:

A lecture on terrace gardening was delivered by Dr.K.K.Sahu P.R.O and Associate Prof. I.G.K.V.V Raipur CG.Dr.Priti Tiwari Principal, Govt.College Rajim was a special guest. She appreciated the workshop and told about its importance.


An exhibition was organized by the participants of this workshop on Bonsai plants prepared by them. Students of M.Sc.1st and 3rd semester also organized an exhibition on the best out of waste.The exhibition was well appreciated by the visitors.

Valedictory function­­-

Dr.M.L.Nayak ex prof. and Head SOS in life science Pt.RSU Raipur and ex chairman CG_COST was the chief guest for the valedictory function. Dr.V.K.Kanungo introduced the guest to the audience. The programme was conducted by Dr.R.Diwan.Dr.M.L.Nayak appreciate the workshop and was impressed by the enthusiasm of the students.Dr.S.V.K.prasad , principal, Govt.N.P.G. college of science, appreciated and suggested that such events should be organized from time to time.

Some of the participants shared their views regarding the workshop, including research scholar M.Sc.and B.Sc. final year students. Certificates were distributed to participants.Vote of thanks was given by Dr.Sunita Patra.

Participants- Students of M.Sc.and B.Sc. final year and research scholars.

Outcome – The students were benefitted by practical knowledge of Bonsai preparation, terrace gardening, grafting and budding techniques.


  1. No. of research scholars receiving the fellowship (Newly enrolled + existing one)-Mrs Mamta Tondon – Selected for Rajiv Gandhi fellowship
  2. No. of student qualifying in these exam : 01


Title – Social campaigning programme for screening of sickle cell disease

Context -One day social campaigning programme for screening of sickle cell disease and it's awareness in school going children was organized on 17-10-2014 at Jamgoan village dist. Durg.

Participants - The faculty members and P.G. students of the department with the help of team of Dept. of Biochemistry Pt.J.N.M.medical College Raipur organized the programme.


The objective of this social campaigning programme was -

  • To screen the students suffering from sickle cell disease.
  • To make aware the school children about the nutrition, cleanliness, food borne diseases and the importance of keeping the environment clean.
  • To make the children suffering from sickle disease ware of facts and precautions regarding disease.
  • To make aware about the proper medication.

Outcome - The school children who were found suffering from sickle cell disease were given particular cards so that they can register themselves and can get the proper treatment. Along with this general check up was also done by the doctors of sickle cell Institute. The students Botany department gave the school children general instruction, awareness and cause of sickle cell disease.





  1. Guest lectures –


  1. Padma shree Dr. Lalji Singh, Retd vice chancellor B.H.U., Fellow CCMB- 6-11-2014 -DNA finger printing and applications.



  1. Dr. S.C. Panda- Retd. Professor Botany- 8-10-2014- Measures on environment protection.


  1. Dr. Somkant Sharma - Retd. Professor Botany 8-10-2014 - Plant identification, collection of plant species and herbarium preparation.


  1. Dr.M.L.Naik - Retd. Professor Botany 14-10-2014-
  2. Dr. A. Girolkar - Principal, Govt. D.B.Girls' P.G. College, Raipur,C.G. 14-10-2014
  3. Dr. K.K. Sahu - Scientist, IGKV, Raipur 13-10-2014
  4. Dr. T. Shrinivasu - Prof. R.t.M. University Nagpur - 25 04 -2015 -Future prospects in Botany
  5. Dr. K. Subramanium - IFS - 02-05-2015- Biodiversity

Participants – Students of P.G. Botany , Zoology, Biotechnology and U.G. students of Biology stream.

Outcome- The students got opportunity to meet Padma shree Dr. Lalji Singh and other renold speakers. They were benefitted by their knowledge; they also got opportunity to interact with them.


Title -Study tour for B.Sc. II year students - 25-01-2014 at Ghatarani Jaitmai

Context -A study tour of for B.Sc. II year students was organized by Botany Dept. on 25-01-2014 to make students aware of biodiversity of that particular area.

Activities done – Jatmai –Ghatarani are 2 different places, it was one day trip, with 200 km approximately to and fro distance from Raipur. The students visited waterfall at Jaitmai and forest area. Ghataraniwas 25 km from Jaitmai its natural forest area gave an opportunity to the students to study ecology of that area. Ethnobotanical survey in Ghata rani forest region gave information about the herbs used as traditional medicine.The local healers gave information about mature fruits of Manhar used as fish poison. Kalihari and Fudhar plants found here toxic. Pipal ,Senha, Satavar.Aithi plants were seen which are use das medicine and healing purposes.

Students participation- The trip consisted of students and the faculty members of the Botany department.

Out come- It was one day tour. The students got benefitted by observing the vegetation type of forest area. They also got knowledge about the ecology , environment and Ethanobotany of that particular area.



3.         Students organized / initiatives:

Following activities were performed by the students:-

  1. Information was given by P.G. students for awareness for sickle cell disease, water borne and food borne disease to the school going children on 17-10-2014 at Jamgoan village dist. Durg
  2. Plantation in Botanical garden and college premises was done.


  1. Wall magazine was prepared throughout the session.


4.    Details of the date wise activities & support from Alumni association.
Alumni meet was organized on 8-1-2015

      Decision taken in the meeting were-

      To guide the students by sharing the experiences of the alumni

      To give career guidance to the students by the alumni

      To organize guest lectures


6.    Initiatives taken by the department to make the campus eco-friendly. Under the activity of Botanical society students do plantation from time to time in the college premises and they also take care of the plants. Students also take care to keep the surrounding of the department and Botanical garden clean.


7.    Contribution to environmental protection / awareness.

      Guest lecturers related to environment awareness and pollution, poster competition and other activities were organized for the awareness and protection of the environment.




1. Laminar air flow

2. BOD incubator

3. Auotclave

4. Specctrophotometer – uv

5. Incubator

6. Transilluminator

7. PH meter

8. Hot air ovens

9. Microcentrifuge

10. Deep freezer 

11. Binocular reaserch microscopes

12. Stunent microscpes