शासकीय नागार्जुन स्नातकोत्तर विज्ञान महाविद्यालय ,रायपुर

Government Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur

Established 1948

Affiliated to Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur

  NAAC Reports   


 Library Publication





Following publacations  have been  made by the library of Goverment Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science,Raipur (C.G.)


02. Scholarly Pursuits (Research paper)

On this juncture of compilation of Research publication named Scholarly Pursuits of this college , We take this privilege to thank our Principal  for encouragement and unrestricted support, which enabled us to compile the publication yearwise. The compilation of research papers will be very helpful to all the faculty members and research scholars to plan their future research work. Compiled volume of research papers Scholarly Pursuits will become an asset for the library 


.Resarch Articles are Published by Teachers of Govt.Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science,Raipur.





Following Abstracts publacations  have been  made by the library of Goverment Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science,Raipur (C.G.)


01.Abstrect of National Conference, organized on 11th Sep. 2013, held at Raipur.