Outer Advisory Library committee is formed in the beginning of three academic year by the principal in consultation with the other Institution staff members.
For addition to library collection and other decisions are taken by the library committee twice in an academic year.

Members of Outer Advisory Library committee - 2020-21
01.Outer Advisory committee
01.Dr.Radha Pandey, Patron & Principal , Govt. Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur.
02.Dr. Supersen Gupta (Librarian,Pt.Sunderlal Sharma Library, Raipur) ,Convener.
03.Dr. Madhav Pandey, (Librarian ,Jawaher lala Nehru Agriculture Library, Raipur),Member.
04.Dr. Suneel Sutpati ,(Librarian,(NIT) National Institute of Technology Library, (Raipur)Member.
05.Dr. Pravin Sharma, (Librarian, Govt. Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science Library, Raipur), Secretary.
02.Inner Advisory committee
Library committee is formed in the beginning of every academic year by the principal in consultation with the staff members.
For addition to library collection and other decisions are taken by the library committee in an academic year.
Members of Library committee - 2020-21
01.Dr.Radha Pandey, Patron & Principal , Govt. Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur.
02.Dr. Smt.Rekha Pimpalgauwker, Convener, (HOD, Botany Department of Govt. Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur.
03.Dr. Smt.Anjali Awadiya, Member. (HOD, Physic Department of Govt. Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur.
04.Dr. Pravin Sharma, Secretary ,(Librarian, Govt. Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science Library, Raipur)
• The library committee annually compiles a budget proposal by considering the requirement of different departments and is placed before the principal. The central library and the departmental library have utilizing funds of the UGC grants, SC/ST/BPL grants, General grants, RUSA grant, under the supervision of the library committee.
• The effective functioning of the library is ensured by the library committee and headed by the principal (chairperson), who is assisted by the convener, librarian, and representative of various departments.
• The library has an approved policy on the collection and development supports introduction of new services, terms of funds, annual increase of budget, binding procedure, weeding out of unserviceable books and policy on loss of books and an ongoing commitment of the institution in deputing library professionals for continuing educational programmers.