शासकीय नागार्जुन स्नातकोत्तर विज्ञान महाविद्यालय ,रायपुर
Government Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur
Established 1948
Affiliated to Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur
Brief History of the Department
In 1972 the subject Defence Studies started in combination with Mathematics and Physics and Botany & Chemistry And Zoology & Chemistry. From 1972 to 2014 the department of Defence Studies Handled by department has independent establishment. The department Provides Bachelor degree and PG Degree. The department was also recognized as a research center by Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur. Two major research projects funded by ICSSR, New Delhi were completed And One Miner Research Project funded by CGCOST, Raipur(C.G.). Time to time seminars /workshops was also organized by the department.
. List the distinguished Alumni of the Department
1. Dr. Vishnu Kant Sharma – Professor, MLB College, Gwalior
2. Dr. Girish Kant Pandey - HoD, Dept. of Defence Studies, Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur(C.G.)
3. Dr. Meghesh Tiwari- Principal, Vipra College, Raipur(C.G.)
4. Major K.K.Bose - Indian Army
5. Lt. Col. B.D. Sharma- Indian Army
6. Nayab Tahasildar- Sonal Sharma - Govt. of M.P.
7. Martyr S.I. Yugal Kishor Verma - C.G. Police
8. S.I. Vasudev Parghaniha - C.G. Police
9. S.I. Staya Prakash Upadhyay- C.G. Police
10. S.I. Sidharth Mishra- C.G. Police
11. Shri A. Bhaskar Rao- I.B.
Strengths- Department have highly qualified staff, Well equipped labs, sufficient books, unique museum and other infrastructure as well as the level of Naxal Research is recognized as National Level.
Weaknesses- Department have only two regular & one temporary teacher so the lack of teachers is affected the expansions of our research activities.
Opportunities- Department have 100 % Ph.D. holder Teachers & Our Library have sufficient books and Journals so our Resources is Good.
Challenges- Awareness of the subject among student and parents. As well as our subject is not taught in the school education so the Subject Open in the school education is our challenges.
Action Plan For Next Five Years-
Subject Open within the State and spread of research facility. Open peace research institute with the help of U.G.C. and other agencies.
No. |
Name |
Email ID |
Designation |
Teaching Experience |
Academic Achievements |
Publication |
National |
International |
1. |
Dr. G.K. Pandey |
01/06/1965 |
gkpcg@rediffmail.com |
Professor |
25 |
M. Sc., B. J., Ph. D., D. Litt. |
22 |
01 |
2. |
Dr. Praveen Kumar Kadwe |
29/10/1967 |
kkpravn@gmail.com |
Assistant Professor |
24 Years |
M.Sc., Ph.D., NET JRF |
11 |
01 |
3. |
Dr. Geetanjali Chandrakar |
25/08/1980 |
Guest Lecturer |
12 Years |
M.Sc., Ph.D., NET |
19 |
01 |
1. Name - Dr. Girish Kant Pandey
2. Designation - Head of Department
3. Qualification - M. Sc., B. J., Ph. D., D. Litt.
4. Date of Birth - 01.06.1965
5. Address - i. Personal - Shitala Mandir Marg, Kankali Para, Raipur
ii Professinal - Dept. Defence Studies, Govt. Nagarjun PG College of Science, Raipur,
6. Date of Joining Service - 20.11.1989
7. Date of Promotion/Placement - i. Senior Grade - 18.9.1998
ii. Selection Grade - 20.11.98
8. Name of Institution - Govt. Nagarjun PG College of Science, Raipur, C.G.
9. Teaching Experince - i. P.G. - 25 Years
ii. U.G. -25Years
Name : Dr. Praveen Kadwe
Designation : Assistant Professor
Phone/Mobile No : 9406236984
Email Id : kkpravn@gmail.com
Educational Qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D. NET (JRF)
Field Of Interest : Military History
Specialization : Military Psychology
Teaching Experience : 24 yrs
Research Paper : 12
Achievement : NET (JRF)
No. |
Title |
Journal/Books |
Publisher |
1. |
India – Japan Relation Bridge of Emerging Trends an analytical Study |
India’s Foreign Policy Emerging Challenges ISBN : 978-93-5207-521-8 23 March 2017 |
Author Press, New Delhi- 110016 |
2. |
भारत व चीन: राजनीतिक तनाव क¢ बीच व्यापारिक सहय¨ग |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X March –June 2016 |
Academia Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
3. |
India – China Relation : Challenges and Response |
India & China Beyond 2020 ISBN : 978-93-83930-49-4 Fab.2016 |
G.B. Books Publishers & Distributors New Delhi |
4. |
‘‘भारत-नेपाल संबंध: बांग्लादेश के विशेष संर्दध मेें‘‘ |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X Sept. –Dec. 2015 |
Academia Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
5. |
साइबर आंतकवाद |
Printing Area ISSN: 2394-5303 Issue -06 Vol. -01 June-2015 |
Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd.-Beed (Maharashtra) |
6. |
‘‘चीन की बढ़ती महत्वतांक्षा और भारत की सुरक्षा‘‘ |
''Vidyawarta'' ISSN :2319-9318 Vol. 01,Jan.-March 2015 |
Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd.-Beed (Maharashtra) |
7. |
‘‘भारत के जनजातीय क्षेत्रों में बढ़ती विप्लवकारी गतिविधियाँ‘‘ |
"Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies'' ISSN : 2348-0459 Vol. -4, Issue-02, Jan. 2015 |
GJMS Publication, Jabalpur (M.P.) |
8. |
‘‘आंतकवाद: 21 वीं सदी की वैश्वीक चुनौती‘‘
‘‘शोध उपक्रम‘‘ ISSN : 0976-7894 July 2014 |
Chhattisgarh Shodh Santhan Sunder Nagar, Raipur (C.G.) |
9. |
एक बड़ा संकट बनता बाँग्लादेश |
शोध-संप्रेषण ISSN : 097-6459 Vol.-8, July-Sept.2014 |
Vaibhav Prakashan Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
10. |
बिमस्टेक |
शोध-प्रकल्प ISSN : 2278-3911 Vol.-8, July-Sept. 2014 |
Vaibhav Prakashan Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
11. |
बदलते परिवेश में भारत -बांग्लादेश संबंध
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X March –June 2014 |
Academia Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
12. |
जैव युध्द अ©र बचाव क¢ उपाय |
Edujanction ISSN – 2278-3938 Jan-March 2014 |
Chhattisgarh Nagar, Raipur (C.G.) |
Name : Dr. GeetanjaliChandrakar
Designation : Guest Faculty
Phone/Mobile No : 9479209085
Email Id : geetanjalichadrakar25@gamil.com
Educational Qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D., NET
Field Of Interest : Military History
Specialization : Military History
Teaching Experience : 13 yrs
Research Paper : 20
Achievement : Post-Doctoral Fellowship ,ICSSR
(New Delhi)
No. |
Title |
Journal/Books |
Year |
Publisher |
1. |
India – China Relation |
India’s Foreign Policy Emerging Challenges ISBN : 978-93-5207-521-8
23 March 2017 |
Author Press, New Delhi- 110016 |
2. |
भारत व चीन: राजनीतिक तनाव क¢ बीच व्यापारिक सहय¨ग |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X
March –June 2016 |
Academic Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
3. |
India – China Relation : Challenges and Response |
India & China Beyond 2020 ISBN : 978-93-83930-49-4
Fab.2016 |
G.B. Books Publishers & Distributors New Delhi |
4. |
‘‘भारत-नेपाल संबंध: बांग्लादेश के विशेष संर्दध मेें‘‘ |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X
Sept. –Dec. 2015 |
Academic Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
5. |
साइबर आंतकवाद |
Printing Area ISSN: 2394-5303 Issue -06 Vol. -01
June-2015 |
Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd.-Beed (Maharashrrtraa) |
6. |
भारत-बाँग्लादेश संबंध: चुनौतियाँ |
सम सामयिकी: भारत की विदेश नीति ISBN: 978-93-5207-165-4
Dec. 2015 |
Authorpress, NewDelhi- 110016 |
7. |
‘‘चीन की बढ़ती महत्वतांक्षा और भारत की सुरक्षा‘‘ |
''Vidyawarta'' ISSN :2319-9318 Vol. 01 |
Jan.-March 2015 |
Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd.-Beed (Maharashrrtraa) |
8. |
‘‘भारत के जनजातीय क्षेत्रों में बढ़ती विप्लवकारी गतिविधियाँ‘‘ |
"Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies'' Vol. -4, Issue-02, ISSN : 2348-0459 impact Factor – 1.927 |
Jan. 2015 |
GJMS Publication, Jabalpur (M.P.) |
9. |
‘‘आंतकवाद: 21 वीं सदी की वैश्वीक चुनौती‘‘ |
‘‘शोध उपक्रम‘‘ ISSN : 0976-7894 |
July 2014 |
Chhttisgarh Shodh Santhan Sunder Nagar, Raipur (C.G.) |
10. |
''Bio War and Protective Measures'' |
Edujunction ISSN – 2278-3938 |
Jan-March 2014
Chhttisgarh Nagar, Raipur (C.G.) |
11. |
शोध-प्रकल्प ISSN : 2278-3911 Vol.-8 |
July-Sept. 2014 |
Vaibhav Prakshan Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
12. |
एक बड़ा संकट बनता बाँग्लादेश |
शोध-संप्रेषण ISSN : 097-6459 Vol.-8 |
July-Sept.2014 |
Vaibhav Prakshan Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
13. |
‘‘भारत -बाँग्लादेश संबंधों में बाधा: कट्टरपंथी समूह‘‘ |
Shodh Sanchayan ISSN : 0975-1254
July-Sept. 2014 |
Shodh Sanchayan, Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
14. |
बदलतें परिवेश में भारत बॉंग्लादेश संबंध |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X
June 2014 |
Academic Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
15. |
‘‘भोरमदेव स्थित यौद्धिक मूर्तियों का सामरिक अनुशीलन ‘‘ |
‘‘शोध संप्रेषण‘‘ अंक -3, वर्ष-7, ISSN : 0976-6459 |
जनवरी-मार्च 2014
Vaibhav Prakashan, Aminpara, Raipur (C.G.) |
16. |
‘‘भारत की सुरक्षा में बाँग्लादेश की भूमिकाः एक विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन |
''Edujunction'' ISSN: 2278-3938
Oct-Dec. 2013 |
Chhattisgarh Nagar,. Tikarapar, Raipur (C.G.) |
17. |
‘‘बाँग्लादेश घुसपैठ एक गंभीर संकट: भारतीय सुरक्षा में संदर्भ में‘‘ |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN :0976-528X
Sept.-Dec. 2013 |
Academic Research Society, Karnal Ganji, Kanpur-1, U.P. |
18. |
सैनिकों की क्षमता बढ़ाने में जुटा है डी.आर.डी.ओ. |
‘‘तूनीर‘‘ ISBN :0974-2360 |
Aug-. 2013 |
JLNL Collage, Maharajganj (U.P.) |
19. |
‘‘भोरमदेव कालीन मूर्तियों का अन्य क्षेत्रीय समकालीन मूर्तियों से सम्बन्ध एवं सामरिक अनुशीलन ‘‘ |
‘‘शोध प्रकल्प‘‘ ISSN : 097-6459 |
जूलाई-सितम्बर 2012
Vaibhav Prakashan, Aminpara, Raipur (C.G.) |
20. |
‘‘भारेमदेव क्षेत्र का सामरिक इतिहास‘‘ |
‘‘रक्षा अनुसंधान‘‘ अंक-3, वर्ष-3 ISBN :978-81-904574-5-3 |
26 जनवरी 2012
JLNL Collage, Maharajganj (U.P.) |
Thrust Area of Research –
Internal & External Threats & Security
Dr. G.K. Pandey
S.No. |
Title of the Paper |
Name of the Author’s |
Department of the Teacher |
Name of Journal
Year of Publication |
ISSN Number |
Link of the Recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal |
June 2014 – May 2015 |
^^uDlyheuksoSKkfud ;q)'kkL=&vQokg^^ |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. Varnika Sharma |
Defence Studies |
^^fl)kar^^Academic Research Society, KarnalGanj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
ekpZ&twu 2014 |
ISSN: 0976-528X
--- |
^^vkaardokndkeuksfoKku% fo'ys"k.kkRed v/;;u ^^ |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. Varnika Sharma |
Defence Studies |
“'kks/k&laizs"k.k”VaibhavPrakashan, Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
April-June 2014 |
ISSN :097-6459
--- |
^^EkkvksoknhizHkkfor {ks= esavQokg^^ |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. Varnika Sharma |
Defence Studies |
“'kks/k leh{kkvkSjewY;kadu”Cheritable Trust Jaipur, Queen Road, Rajasthan |
ebZ&twu 2014
ISSN : 0974-2832
--- |
''Tactical Importance of Propaganda in Naxal conflict Zone of C.G.'' |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. Varnika Sharma |
Defence Studies |
“Scholar’s Voice” CDSRD, Allahabad(U.P) |
June – Dec. 2014 |
ISSN- 0374-6501 |
--- |
^^vkardokn % 21 ohaalnh dh oS'ohdpqukSrh^^ |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. P.K. Kadwe Dr. GeetanjaliChandrakar |
Defence Studies |
^^'kks/k miØe^^Chhattisgarh ShodhSanthan, Sunder Nagar, Raipur(C.G.) |
July 2014 |
ISSN : 0976-7894
--- |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. P.K. Kadwe Dr. GeetanjaliChandrakar |
Defence Studies |
“'kks/k&izdYi”VaibhavPrakashan Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
July-Sept. 2014 |
ISSN : 2278-3911
--- |
,d cM+kladVcurkck¡Xykns'k |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. P.K. Kadwe Dr. GeetanjaliChandrakar |
Defence Studies |
“'kks/k&laizs"k.k”VaibhavPrakashan Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
July-Sept.2014 |
ISSN : 097-6459 |
--- |
''Global WarmingvkSjlsukijizHkko'' |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. Varnika Sharma |
Defence Studies |
^^j{kkvuqla/kku^^JLNL College, Maharajganj (U.P.) |
Aug. 2014 |
ISSN – 978-81-904 |
--- |
^^uDlyheuksoSKkfud ;q)'kkL=&vQokg ¼,d fo'ys"k.kkRed v/;;u½^^ |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. Varnika Sharma |
Defence Studies |
^^fl)kar^^Academic Research Society, KarnalGanj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
flarEcj& |
ISSN: 0976-528X |
--- |
^^Hkkjr ds tutkrh; {ks=ksaesa c<+rhfoIyodkjhxfrfof/k;k¡^^ |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. P.K. Kadwe Dr. GeetanjaliChandrakar |
Defence Studies |
"Global Journal of Multi |
Jan. 2015 |
ISSN : 2348-0459 |
--- |
^^phu dh c<+rhegRorka{kkvkSjHkkjr dh lqj{kk^^ |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. P.K. Kadwe Dr. GeetanjaliChandrakar |
Defence Studies |
''Vidyawarta'' Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd.-Beed(MH) |
Jan.-March 2015 |
ISSN :2319-9318
--- |
June 2015 – May 2016 |
Lkkbcjvkardokn |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. P.K. Kadwe Dr. GeetanjaliChandrakar |
Defence Studies |
“Printing Area” Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd.-Beed(MH) |
June-2015 |
ISSN: 2394-5303Issue -06 |
--- |
^^Hkkjr&usikylaca/k % ckaXykns'k ds fo'ks"klanZHkessa^^ |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. P.K. Kadwe Dr. GeetanjaliChandrakar |
Defence Studies |
^^fl)kar^^Academic Research Society, KarnalGanj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
Sept. –Dec. 2015 |
ISSN: 0976-528X |
--- |
June 2016 – May 2017 |
Hkkjr o phu % jktuhfrdruko d¢ chpO;kikfjdlg;¨x |
Dr. G.K. Pandey Dr. P.K. Kadwe Dr. GeetanjaliChandrakar |
Defence Studies |
^^fl)kar^^Academic Research Society, KarnalGanj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
March –June 2016 |
ISSN: 0976-528X |
--- |
Dr. Praveen Kadwe
No. |
Title |
Journal/Books |
Publisher |
1. |
India – Japan Relation Bridge of Emerging Trends an analytical Study |
India’s Foreign Policy Emerging Challenges ISBN : 978-93-5207-521-8 23 March 2017 |
Author Press, New Delhi- 110016 |
2. |
भारत व चीन: राजनीतिक तनाव क¢ बीच व्यापारिक सहय¨ग |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X March –June 2016 |
Academia Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
3. |
India – China Relation : Challenges and Response |
India & China Beyond 2020 ISBN : 978-93-83930-49-4 Fab.2016 |
G.B. Books Publishers & Distributors New Delhi |
4. |
‘‘भारत-नेपाल संबंध: बांग्लादेश के विशेष संर्दध मेें‘‘ |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X Sept. –Dec. 2015 |
Academia Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
5. |
साइबर आंतकवाद |
Printing Area ISSN: 2394-5303 Issue -06 Vol. -01 June-2015 |
Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd.-Beed (Maharashtra) |
6. |
‘‘चीन की बढ़ती महत्वतांक्षा और भारत की सुरक्षा‘‘ |
''Vidyawarta'' ISSN :2319-9318 Vol. 01,Jan.-March 2015 |
Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd.-Beed (Maharashtra) |
7. |
‘‘भारत के जनजातीय क्षेत्रों में बढ़ती विप्लवकारी गतिविधियाँ‘‘ |
"Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies'' ISSN : 2348-0459 Vol. -4, Issue-02, Jan. 2015 |
GJMS Publication, Jabalpur (M.P.) |
8. |
‘‘आंतकवाद: 21 वीं सदी की वैश्वीक चुनौती‘‘
‘‘शोध उपक्रम‘‘ ISSN : 0976-7894 July 2014 |
Chhattisgarh Shodh Santhan Sunder Nagar, Raipur (C.G.) |
9. |
एक बड़ा संकट बनता बाँग्लादेश |
शोध-संप्रेषण ISSN : 097-6459 Vol.-8, July-Sept.2014 |
Vaibhav Prakashan Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
10. |
बिमस्टेक |
शोध-प्रकल्प ISSN : 2278-3911 Vol.-8, July-Sept. 2014 |
Vaibhav Prakashan Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
11. |
बदलते परिवेश में भारत -बांग्लादेश संबंध
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X March –June 2014 |
Academia Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
12. |
जैव युध्द अ©र बचाव क¢ उपाय |
Edujanction ISSN – 2278-3938 Jan-March 2014 |
Chhattisgarh Nagar, Raipur (C.G.) |
Dr. Geetanjali Chandrakar
No. |
Title |
Journal/Books |
Year |
Publisher |
1. |
India – China Relation |
India’s Foreign Policy Emerging Challenges ISBN : 978-93-5207-521-8
23 March 2017 |
Author Press, New Delhi- 110016 |
2. |
भारत व चीन: राजनीतिक तनाव क¢ बीच व्यापारिक सहय¨ग |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X
March –June 2016 |
Academic Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
3. |
India – China Relation : Challenges and Response |
India & China Beyond 2020 ISBN : 978-93-83930-49-4
Fab.2016 |
G.B. Books Publishers & Distributors New Delhi |
4. |
‘‘भारत-नेपाल संबंध: बांग्लादेश के विशेष संर्दध मेें‘‘ |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X
Sept. –Dec. 2015 |
Academic Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
5. |
साइबर आंतकवाद |
Printing Area ISSN: 2394-5303 Issue -06 Vol. -01
June-2015 |
Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd.-Beed (Maharashrrtraa) |
6. |
भारत-बाँग्लादेश संबंध: चुनौतियाँ |
सम सामयिकी: भारत की विदेश नीति ISBN: 978-93-5207-165-4
Dec. 2015 |
Authorpress, NewDelhi- 110016 |
7. |
‘‘चीन की बढ़ती महत्वतांक्षा और भारत की सुरक्षा‘‘ |
''Vidyawarta'' ISSN :2319-9318 Vol. 01 |
Jan.-March 2015 |
Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd.-Beed (Maharashrrtraa) |
8. |
‘‘भारत के जनजातीय क्षेत्रों में बढ़ती विप्लवकारी गतिविधियाँ‘‘ |
"Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies'' Vol. -4, Issue-02, ISSN : 2348-0459 impact Factor – 1.927 |
Jan. 2015 |
GJMS Publication, Jabalpur (M.P.) |
9. |
‘‘आंतकवाद: 21 वीं सदी की वैश्वीक चुनौती‘‘ |
‘‘शोध उपक्रम‘‘ ISSN : 0976-7894 |
July 2014 |
Chhttisgarh Shodh Santhan Sunder Nagar, Raipur (C.G.) |
10. |
''Bio War and Protective Measures'' |
Edujunction ISSN – 2278-3938 |
Jan-March 2014
Chhttisgarh Nagar, Raipur (C.G.) |
11. |
शोध-प्रकल्प ISSN : 2278-3911 Vol.-8 |
July-Sept. 2014 |
Vaibhav Prakshan Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
12. |
एक बड़ा संकट बनता बाँग्लादेश |
शोध-संप्रेषण ISSN : 097-6459 Vol.-8 |
July-Sept.2014 |
Vaibhav Prakshan Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
13. |
‘‘भारत -बाँग्लादेश संबंधों में बाधा: कट्टरपंथी समूह‘‘ |
Shodh Sanchayan ISSN : 0975-1254
July-Sept. 2014 |
Shodh Sanchayan, Amin Para, Raipur (C.G.) |
14. |
बदलतें परिवेश में भारत बॉंग्लादेश संबंध |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN: 0976-528X
June 2014 |
Academic Research Society, Karnal Ganj, Kanpur-1 U.P. |
15. |
‘‘भोरमदेव स्थित यौद्धिक मूर्तियों का सामरिक अनुशीलन ‘‘ |
‘‘शोध संप्रेषण‘‘ अंक -3, वर्ष-7, ISSN : 0976-6459 |
जनवरी-मार्च 2014
Vaibhav Prakashan, Aminpara, Raipur (C.G.) |
16. |
‘‘भारत की सुरक्षा में बाँग्लादेश की भूमिकाः एक विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन |
''Edujunction'' ISSN: 2278-3938
Oct-Dec. 2013 |
Chhattisgarh Nagar,. Tikarapar, Raipur (C.G.) |
17. |
‘‘बाँग्लादेश घुसपैठ एक गंभीर संकट: भारतीय सुरक्षा में संदर्भ में‘‘ |
‘‘सिद्धांत‘‘ ISSN :0976-528X
Sept.-Dec. 2013 |
Academic Research Society, Karnal Ganji, Kanpur-1, U.P. |
18. |
सैनिकों की क्षमता बढ़ाने में जुटा है डी.आर.डी.ओ. |
‘‘तूनीर‘‘ ISBN :0974-2360 |
Aug-. 2013 |
JLNL Collage, Maharajganj (U.P.) |
19. |
‘‘भोरमदेव कालीन मूर्तियों का अन्य क्षेत्रीय समकालीन मूर्तियों से सम्बन्ध एवं सामरिक अनुशीलन ‘‘ |
‘‘शोध प्रकल्प‘‘ ISSN : 097-6459 |
जूलाई-सितम्बर 2012
Vaibhav Prakashan, Aminpara, Raipur (C.G.) |
20. |
‘‘भारेमदेव क्षेत्र का सामरिक इतिहास‘‘ |
‘‘रक्षा अनुसंधान‘‘ अंक-3, वर्ष-3 ISBN :978-81-904574-5-3 |
26 जनवरी 2012
JLNL Collage, Maharajganj (U.P.) |
Department of Defence Studies
Govt. N.P.G. College of Science, Raipur(C.G.)
Minor/ Major Project
No. |
Title |
Fund Granted By |
Duration |
Supervisor |
Fellow |
1 |
Mental Conditions of Security Forces in Naxal Conflict zone of Chhattisgarh |
ICSSR, New Delhi |
Sept. 2013 to Aug. 2015 |
Dr. G.K. Pandey |
Dr. Varnika Sharma |
2 |
India – Bangladesh Relation : Challenges & Solution |
ICSSR, New Delhi |
Sept. 2013 to Aug. 2015 |
Dr. G.K. Pandey |
Dr. GeetanjaliChandrakar |
Extension Activities -
Visit High Schools & Villages to Promote Science Education & Scientific temper.
Webinar on 02/07/2020, Total Participants - 447
015-16 – Air Force Officers
Student Achievement-
Innovation and Best Practices