शासकीय नागार्जुन स्नातकोत्तर विज्ञान महाविद्यालय ,रायपुर

Government Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur

Established 1948

Affiliated to Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur

  NAAC Reports   

Brief History of the department

The Department of English was established in 1948 with both Graduate and Post Graduate classes. The Department was affiliated to Pt Ravishankar Shukla University.

 The Heads of Department were as follows:

  1. Professor EG Mane            1948-1956
  2. Professor PN Shrivastava  1956- 1964
  3. Professor NS Verma            1964-1975
  4. Professor PB Yadu               1975- 1985
  5. Professor RK Nema              1985- 1992
  6. Dr Minakshi Verma              1992-2002
  7. Dr Kalpana Paul                    2002-2007
  8. Dr Shukla Banerjee             2008- date       

           Report of Deparment

English Dept 2014-15

English Dept 2015-16

English Dept 2016-17

English Dept 2017-18


Vision & mission, SWOC analysis

Vision: – The vision of the department is to develop communication skills in English, an international language. The department is committed to generate skilled, creative, competent, self reliant youth honed with the scientific temper. The college has a vision that the students who march out of its portals are leaders, morally upright and courageous, socially responsible with a humanistic world view.

Mission: The mission of the department to provide value based education

  • To ensure exposure to the latest developments in diverse disciplines
  • To enhance employability skills of the students of the region
  • To facilitate research in traditional and emerging areas
  • To provide courses in tandem with the burgeoning industry requirements of Chhattisgarh.
  • To provide courses that tackle the present and impending environmental crisis
  • To improve the level of English by introducing Communication Courses in English
  • To enhance the contribution of the college to the society by raising awareness through community development programmers.

SWOC analysis

  • Strengths – Qualified and experienced faculty and research activities.
  • Weakness – Students from rural Hindi medium school background. No PG Program.
  • Opportunities – Develop new teaching skills to meet the needs of students
  • Challenges – Teaching students from rural Hindi medium schools. Updating the English Language Lab.

Action plan for next five year

 To start a Value Added Course on Communication Skills and Personality Development

 Complete digitization of the Syllabus

 To conduct research in English Language and Literature

The following are registered guides for PhD

  • Dr Shukla Banerjee
  • Dr Savita Singh
  • Dr Sunayna Mishra

Areas of Research: American, African American Literature and Indian English Literature

Faculty Profile


Total number of PhDs awarded: 39

Dr Shukla Nannerjee - 19

Dr Savita Singh - 15

Dr Sunayna Mishra - 06


2019 - 2020

Dr Shukla Banerjee

  1. Research – 2 PhDs awarded (Laxmikant Karal / Anand Minj)
  2. 1 thesis submitted; 2 candidates registered and working
  3. One Webinar - Resource Person (WB)
  4. Creative writing – Poems on Corona on Facebook
  5. Rally on Gandhi Jayanti


Link and Images:



  1. Research – 2 PhDs awarded (Laxmikant Karal / Anand Minj)

  2. One Webinar - Resource Person (WB)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDQ1f3GWaLk&feature=youtu.be



Dr Savita Singh: (2019 - 2020)

  1. Research – 1 PhD awarded (co Guide) Megha Singh (MATS)
     - 2 registered and working
  2. Webinar – Resource Person – 4 webinars and 2 as panellist
  3. Panel Discussions
  4. Webinar organized – 1 ELTAI banner
  5. Pt RSU Online Refresher Course – Coordinator (24 August-5 September)
  6. Uploaded 5 online lectures for PG level, Pt RSU
  7. Approver for PG level, HCYU, Durg



Research – 1 PhD awarded (co Guide)
Megha Singh (MATS):

2 registered and working

Webinar – Resource Person – 4 webinars and 2 as panellist








 - https://youtu.be/8eBohy3AxpQ

5. Links for Panel Discussions:



Webinar organized – 1 ELTAI banner

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dem1h9b2EyU


Pt RSU Online Refresher Course – Coordinator (24 August-5 September)


Uploaded 5 online lectures for PG level, Pt RSU...
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mdT9pPM5-Y&t=177s

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOLmBYZaZTw

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7KDB98J6ZU&t=21s

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTmfQ9LT-Dk

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVnptAnWm2o





Dr Charlotte D’Souza:

Uploaded online lectures







Dr Rita Soni   

Uploaded online lectures




Dr Sunayana Mishra

Research – One PhD awarded (Shweta Paliwal)

2 Registered

Uploaded online lectures

IQAC Criteria 2 



Dr Harsh Sharma

Uploaded online lectures







Research Publications: (2014 - 19)


  1. Dr Shukla Bannerjee






Pablo Neruda’s Verses: An Emblem of Love from Personal to Universal Echelon


Literary Herald An International Refereed English e-Journal Impact Factor:2.24(IIJIF)

30th March 2017



Maya Angelou’s Skaker, Why Don’t you Sing? : a Paroxysm of Confession

International Journal on Multicultural Literature Vol. 7 No. 2 ISSN- 2231-6248

July 2017


Query of Place Through the Light of Eco Criticism in Pablo Neruda’s Selected Poems


LangLit, An International Peer- Reviewed  Open Access Journal, UGC Approved Journal- Arts and Humanities- Sr. No 49124, Vol.4, Issue 1,

Impact Factor 4.23

ISSN 2349-5189


August 2017



Happiness Quotient in Hindi Cinema


Pursuit of Happiness in Contemporary English Literature Proceedings

ISBN 978-81-923135-4-2


30-31 January 2018


A Wellspring of Spiritual Happiness in the Lyrics of Ravindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali

Pursuit of Happiness in Contemporary English Literature Proceedings

ISBN 978-81-923135-4-2


30-31 January 2018



Maya Angelou’s Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water ‘fore I Diii: Humanism in Confession


The Indian Review of World Literature in English (online Journal) Vol. 14 No. II ISSN – 0974-097X


July- December 2018



  1. Dr Savita Singh (2014 - 19)






Visions Unlimited: The Opening Scene of Amitav Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies

The Quest (ISSN 0971-2321) Ranchi, Jharkhand

Vol. 27, No. 1, June 2013


Idioms and English Language Teaching


The Journal of English       Language Teaching (ISSN 0973-5208) Chennai, TN

Volume 52/ 4, July- Aug. 2013.


Postmodernism, Popular Culture and Advertising through Amul’sIndia

The Quest

A peer Reviewed Literary Journal ISSN 0971-2321

UGC 41262


Vol 28, No: 1

December 2014


Environment Issues in Ruskin Bond’s Select Short Stories



International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities ISSN 2321-7065


Impact Factor: 4.287 

Vol 3, Issue 2, April, 2015



Creating World Citizens through Creative Digital Teaching of Romantic Poetry

New Man International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies ISSN 2348-1390


Vol. 4, Issue 5 May 2017


The Postmodern Aesthetic of Freedom and Happiness: the Literature of the Future?


Pursuit of Happinness in Contemporary English Literature Proceedings

ISBN 978-81-923135-4-2

30-31 January 2018


Postcolonial World in V.S. Naipul’S A Bend in the River

International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities , vol 6, Issue 2

ISSN 2321-7065

February 2018





  1. Dr Charlotte D’Souza (2014 - 19)






Pursuit of Happiness in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

Pursuit of Happinness in Contemporary English Literature Proceedings

ISBN 978-81-923135-4-2

30-31 January 2018




  1. Dr Rita Soni (2014 - 19)






Family as a Facilitator for Happiness

Pursuit of Happinness in Contemporary English Literature Proceedings

ISBN 978-81-923135-4-2


30-31 January 2018



  1. Dr Dr Sunayana Mishra (2014 - 19)






Spiritual Happiness in Willa Cather’s My Antania


Pursuit of Happinness in Contemporary English Literature Proceedings

ISBN 978-81-923135-4-2


30-31 January 2018


Quest for Happiness in Sudha Murthy’s The Mother  I Never Knew


Pursuit of Happinness in Contemporary English Literature Proceedings Organised by CETA ISBN 978-81-923135-4-2

30-31 January 2018


Quest for happiness leading to violence in JhumpaLahiri The Low Land


Pursuit of Happinness in Contemporary English Literature Proceedings ISBN 978-81-923135-4-2


30-31 January 2018


Glimpses of Violence in Chittra Banerjee’s  Oleander Girl


The Criterion, An International Journal in English, Vol.8, Issue- IV UGC Approved

August 2017


Repercussions of Violence in JhumpaLahiri’s The Low Land

LangLit, An International Peer- Reviewed  Open Access Journal, UGC Approved Journal- Arts and Humanities- Sr. No 49124, Vol.4, Issue 1,

Impact Factor 4.23

ISSN 2349-5189

August 2017




PhD Awarded: (2014 - 19)

  1. Dr Shukla Banerjee


Name of Candidates

Title of the Research

Year of Registration

Year of Completion/ Ph.D. awarded


Divya Chaturvedi


Manifestation of Ineluctable struggle of the Dispossessed in the Select Novels of John Steinbeck




26th July 2013


Harsh Sharma

Images of India in Expatriate Writings




13th August 2013




James Fennimore Cooper’s Leather stocking Tales: Depiction of an Open Warfare between the Indians and the Whites




Nabaneeta Munshi

Familial and Social Implications in the plays of Arthur Miller




Surendra Sao

Existentialism and Imagination-Reality Dualism in the Poems of Wallace Stevens


30/ 09/2015


Biju George


Naturalism and Realism in the select novels of Stephen Crane



01 December x`0060


Madhu Shrivastava


Satire on Social Snobbery in the Select Novels of Sinclair Lewis




06 December 2017


Leena Jacob

Themes in the Select Novels of William Faulkner




28 May 2018



  1. Dr Savita Singh (2014 - 19)


Name of Candidates

Title of the Research

Year of Registration

Year of Completion/ Ph.D. awarded


Neeta Lalwani


Narrative Techniques in Ralph Ellison’s Fiction





Pt R S U Raipur, CG




( As Co Supervisor)


Rescripting Indian Culture and History: A Study of VS Naipauls’s  Travel Narratives





CV Raman University, Kota, Bilaspur,CG



Shameena Bano


Ruskin Bond’s Select Short Stories: Fact and Fiction



29 August 2016


CV Raman University


Sakshi Prahari


Psycho-analytical Study of the Select novels of Sir William Golding



19 March 2018


Reshma Rabbani

A Postcolonial Study of The Select Novels of VS. Naipul




7th April 2018


Papiya Mondal


Crisis and Cries and in 1st World War Poetry




7th April 2018

Neeta Choudhary
(Co Guided)

Socio Linguistics – Study of the Select Novels of Anita Desai


1st September 2018




Seminar/ Conference/ Workshop/ Symposia: (2014 - 19)


  1. Dr Shukla Banerjee


Title of the Seminar/ Workshop

Funding agency/ Organiser


Spoken English Workshop

Govt. Pt. SC Shukla College, Dharsiwa, Raipur, CG




RUSA Sponsored Workshops  at GNPG College of Science, Raipur

23-27 June 2015


Attended National Seminar on Barriers to English Communication: Its Concepts and Problems


Govt Digvijay PG Autonomous College, Rajnandgaon, CG

19- 20 January 2017



Happiness Quotient in Hindi Cinema


National conference on Pursuit of Happiness in Contemporary English Literature Organized by CETA

30-31 January 2018



  1. Dr. Savita Singh (2014 - 19)


Title of the Seminar/ Workshop

Funding agency/ Organiser


Workshop on Teaching Speaking Technique and Poetry Appreciation

ELTAI, Raipur Chapter at Rajkumar College, Raipur 25 Nov 2015

Spoken English Workshop


Govt. Pt. SC Shukla College, Dharsiwa, Raipur, CG




RUSA Sponsored Workshops  at GNPG College of Science, Raipur

23-27 June 2015


Conducted Workshop on

Common Errors in English Vocabulary


AIIMS, Raipur

5 Nov 2015


Conducted Workshop on Innovative Methods to Enhance Vocabulary

ElTAI International Conference,

Gaziabad, UP

9 – 11 Nov 2015


Attended and Convened Workshop on Teaching Speaking Technique and Poetry Appreciation


ELTAI, Raipur Chapter at Rajkumar College, Raipur 25 Nov 2015



Attended Plenary Session on

Building Bridges of Love and Laughter

National Seminar on Barriers to English Communication: Its Concepts and Problems



Govt Digvijay PG Autonomous College, Rajnandgaon, CG

19- 20 January 2017



Plenary Session on

Creating World Citizens through Creative Digital Teaching of Romantic Poetry


AICON’17 All India Conference on Digital Engineering organized by CSIT, Durg, CG

21-22 April 2017

Plenary Session on

Beware! Arvind Adiga’s White Tiger on a Rampage


Two Day National Conference on SAARC Literature and Culture organized by Mats University, Raipur, CG

25-26 April 2017



RUSA Sponsored Workshop at Govt. N.P.G College of Science Raipur

20-25 June 2017


Attended and presented

The Postmodern Aesthetic of Freedom and Happiness: the Literature of the Future?

National conference on Pursuit of Happiness in Contemporary English Literature Organized by CETA

30-31 January 2018


  1. Dr Charlotte D’Souza (2014 - 19)


Title of the Seminar/ Workshop

Funding agency/ Organiser




RUSA Sponsored Workshop at Govt. N.P.G College of Science Raipur

20-25 June 2017

Attended and Presented

Pursuit of Happiness in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

National conference on Pursuit of Happiness in Contemporary English Literature Organized by CETA

30-31 Jan 2018





  1. Dr Rita Soni (2014 - 19)


Title of the Seminar/ Workshop

Funding agency/ Organiser




RUSA Sponsored Workshops  at GNPG College of Science, Raipur

23-27 June 2015


Presented Paper on Importance of Value Education


National Seminar on Enhancement Strategies in Quality Education and Research 27 -28 Nov 2015

GNPG College of Science, Raipur


Capacity Building Workshop on Lab – Techniques & Maintenance 


RUSA Sponsored Workshops  at GovtNPG College of Science, Raipur

23-27 June 2015




RUSA Sponsored Workshops  at Govt NPG College of Science, Raipur

23-27 June 2015


Presented paper on Revival of Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit College Raipur,





RUSA Sponsored Workshop at Govt. N.P.G College of Science Raipur

20-25 June 2017


Attended and presented

Family as a Facilitator for Happiness


National conference on Pursuit of Happiness in Contemporary English Literature Organized by CETA

30-31 Jan 2018



  1. Dr Sunayana Mishra (2014 - 19)


Title of the Seminar/ Workshop

Funding agency/ Organiser


13th International and 49th Annual Conference of ELTAI on NextGen Learners: New Demands, New Responses.




Attended 3 days workshop at BIT, Durg

Organized by Durg University.

Quest for Happiness in Sudha Murthy’s The Mother  I Never Knew


National conference on Pursuit of Happiness in Contemporary English Literature

Organized by CETA

30-31 Jan 2018

Sundha Murthy’s Grandma’s Bag of Stories: A manifestation depicting Values


One day Seminar organized by Govt. J.P. Verma P.G Arts and Commerce College, Bilaspur (C.G)

10 Oct 2017

Quest for Happiness in Sudha Murthy’s The Mother  I Never Knew


Two Day National Level Seminar Under the AEGIS of ICSSR New Delhi at Govt. D.B. Girls P.G Autonomous college Raipur 16-17 Nov 2017


  1. Dr Harsh Sharma (2014 - 19)


Title of the Seminar/ Workshop

Funding agency/ Organiser


Attended Two Day National Conference on SAARC Literature and Culture organized by Mats University, Raipur, CG


Mats University, Raipur, CG

25-26 April 2017




RUSA Sponsored Workshop at N.P.G College of Raipur (C.G) 20-25 June 2017




National conference on Pursuit of Happiness in Contemporary English Literature

Organized by CETA

30-31 Jan 2018





The department organizes programs under the aegis of the Raipur Chapter of ELT@I (English Language Teachers’ Association of India) which is a coordinate of IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language)

The members of the department are actively involved in raising awareness for English.

A Webinar was organised on 22 and 23 August, 2020. Dr Chumki Biswas, ELT expert from Mumbai was the Resource Person and she spoke on The Magic of Folk Ballads in the Classroom. Dr Chitranjan Kar from Raipur, the second resource person spoke on The Nuances of English Language.

There were more than 1300 registrations and 19 participants from 12 countries like UK, USA, UAE, Vietnam, Nepal and others.    

 YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjvbekK0pUo&t=679s



Eltai Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/eltai.raipurchapter



CETA (The Chhattisgarh English Teachers’ Association, Raipur)

The Faculty of the Department are the key persons of the Chhattisgarh English Teachers’ Association, founded by an erudite scholar and stalwart, Dr J Srihari Rao in 1997. Four national Conferences have been organized.

On 30-31 January, 2018, the 4th National Conference on Pursuit of Happiness in Contemporary English Literature was organised. It was attended by about 275 participants. Dr Basavaraju S, Commissioner, Department of Higher Education, Government of Chhattisgarh was the Chief Guest. The Keynote Lecture was delivered by Dr SZH Abidi, a renowned scholar from Lucknow.

The proceedings of the conference were published.







Google Drive :






Title : Khadi Vastra Nahin Vichaar 

1. Context: The program on Gandhi  was organised as part of the 150 th Anniversary year of Gandhi , as per CG government directives.

2. Objectives: To raise awareness about Khadi, its historical perspectives, and its Economic impact in the present. To show the importance of the blend of khadi and fashion as a very contemporary, necessary and economically viable and empowering exercise.

3. Activities: 

The program was organised on the 8th of January 2019 in the GNPG College of Science Auditorium from 11 to 2 pm. Dr Rupal Farishta of Gandhian Fab by Amin Farishta was the dynamic Resource Person. 


The program began with a short inaugural session chaired by Dr DN Verma, the Principal of the college. Dr SK Bhatt, the Vice Principal, Dr Shukla Banerjee, the Head of the Department of English, Dr Anjali Oudhia, Coordinator, IQAC, and Dr Savita Singh, the coordinator of the program spoke briefly on the relevance of Gandhian thought in the present day India and the world.


Dr Rupal Farishta made a wonderful presentation throwing light on the history of the national freedom struggle, and the importance of Gandhi Ji’s drive for self reliance through Khadi. Khadi is a unique thought process in itself. Khadi gives employment, self respect and is a comfortable wear in the tropical heat of India. It gives employment to many, and empowers the weak.

Dr Rupal Farishta’s group has been innovative in blending Khadi, the fabric with fashion. Details of the process of weaving khadi were explained, emphasising the fact that the process was a way of life, a philosophy in itself.

The presentation was followed by a Fashion Show showcasing garments designed by Gandhian Fab. The students of the college walked the ramp with grace. First time models took part with immense confidence. The  program was a great success. duration/guests/event details

4. No of beneficieries: The number of students and faculty who attended the program was about 500.

5. Impact: The program on Khadi Vastra nahin Vichaar had a deep impact on the viewers. It showed that khadi could be chosen as a career. Students had many questions about the different avenues the field could offer.

6. Evidence : Pictures of the program and feedback from students and faculty members.

7. Problem faced: 

Setting up the hall for the presentation.


Youtube Link:



Title: Bapu’s Legacy through Films 

1. Context: The program on Gandhi’s Legacy through Films was organised as part of the celebrations of the 150th Anniversary Year of Gandhi, as per Government initiatives.

2. Objectives: To highlight the persona of Gandhi as Bapu and to reveal his unique policies and strategies to free India from the British. To show the creative rendering of Gandhi and Gandhian thought through Films.


3. Activities: The program on Bapu’s Legacy through Films was organised on the 9th of January, 2019 in the Auditorium of the GNPG College of Science, Raipur. Dr Smita Sharma, Assistant Professor, English, CBS, Pt Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur was the dynamic Resource Person.


The program began with a short inaugural session chaired by Dr DN Verma, the Principal of the college. Dr SK Bhatt, the Vice Principal, Dr Shukla Banerjee, the Head of the English department, Dr Renu Maheshwari, the Co coordinator, IQAC, Dr Savita Singh, coordinator of the program was present. Views were expressed on Gandhi and his thoughts and on the relevance of his ideas in contemporary India and on the youth today.


Dr Smita Sharma’s presentation was awesome in its conception and rendering. She spoke of Gandhi, his life, his views, his politics, his commitment and passion for fighting for India’s independence, and his assassination. She emphatically stressed that Gandhi was immortal and his ideas were not for a generation but for all time.


Dr Smita Sharma expressed her ideas on Gandhi through showing clippings of the films made on him over the years. The interesting episodes that she had selected and showed were from many films, ranging from the first documentary, The Making of the Mahatma to Lage Raho Munna Bhai. Clippings from Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi, Nine Hours to Rama, Gandhi, my Father, Hey Ram, Gandhi to Hitler and other films were shown to a rapt audience. Clippings of Gandhi’s speeches were shown. Nehru’s famous ‘Tryst with destiny’ and ‘The light has gone out of our lives ‘were interesting and enrapturing. 


The presentation covered the major movements of the freedom struggle, Gandhi’s views and lifestyle and his character, and also revealed the incidents that had changed his mind and framed his strong passionate new ideas and made him a powerful leader.


4. No of beneficiaries: About 200 students and faculty members of the college.


5. Impact: Provoking thoughts on Gandhi’ views on non violence, truth,democracy, secularism, satyagraha and his vision of a free India. The program was inspiring and motivational and important for the present day students who are ignorant of many facets of Gandhi Ji’s personality and views.


6. Evidence: Notices,Photographs and feedback from viewers.


7. Problem faced: Setting up the stage for the show.




English Language Society




Venue/Date/ Time/


Rakhi Competition

Students made rakhis and spoke about the importance of the festival and the value of brother-sister relationship.

English Language Lab

23. 08. 2015

11 am



Common Errors in English Vocabulary by Dr Savita Singh



11 am


Dr APJ Abdul Kalam – A Tribute

The students prepared a presentation on Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s Life, including interviews from students and teachers and other faculty.

College Auditorium


11 am


Environment Consciousness

The English Department is responsible for taking the BSc Part I classes for the compulsory Environment Studies paper. Two lectures per week.

For the Project Work (25 marks) students submit project files and are interviewed. Topics focus on local issues related to industrial and urban pollution and local pond and other ecosystems.

To raise consciousness, groups of students were asked to donate potted plants to the college as part of the project. The idea was accepted enthusiastically.

Green Corridors have been created.


Focus: Communication Skills

English Language Society,

GNPG College of Science, Raipur, CG.

A Report of ELS Activities from 2014 to 2019


Head of the English Department: Dr Shukla Banerjee                                                  

Coordinator of the English Language Society: Dr Savita Singh

Other Faculty Members of the English Department: Dr Charlotte D’Souza, Dr Rita Soni, Dr Sunayana Mishra and Dr Harsh Sharma.  



Title: Rakhi Competition

Venue: English Language Lab

Date: 23rd August, 2015

Context: Eve of the Rakhi festival.

Objectives: The chief objective of this competition was to motivate students to exercise their creative skills in making Rakhis and expressing their views of the festival in English.

Activity: Two hours were given to the students to make rakhis with material they had brought from home, as the competition had been declared in advance. The students had to write and read out, or express their views on the festival in English. The result was that beautiful rakhis were made. There were spontaneous poetic expressions, slogans, messages to brothers, views on the objective of the festival, protection of sisters, and the warmth and love the festival generates.

Dr Shukla Banerjee, Dr Rita Soni and Dr Varsha Karanzgaokar were the esteemed judges. 

Number of beneficiaries: Members of the English Language Society.  Number of Participants: 12

Impact: Communication Skills and Creativity. A unique program which blended these two features that brings out the best in students.  

Evidence: Circular, Results and Photographs

Problem faced: Few students participate as they cannot miss their theory and practical classes. 


Circular :

Title:  Common Errors in Vocabulary

Venue: E Classroom

Date: 10th October, 2015

Context: Chief concern of the English language Society

Objectives: To improve English Vocabulary and weed out common errors.

Activity: The program began with Dr Shukla Banerjee, Head of the English Department giving a motivating lecture on the Importance of English.

Dr Savita Singh, Coordinator of the English Language Society was the Resource Person of the program. A Power Point presentation was made. The focus of the workshop was to enlighten students about the very common errors that are made in the usage of English words. The presentation covered two aspects:

  1. Words often misused 2. Words often misspelt.

An exhaustive list covering the above aspects was presented. Homonyms and homophones were discussed. The session was interactive with a number of sentences being made to bring out the different usages. Spelling errors were pointed out and the Common Spelling Rules were explained.      

Number of beneficiaries: The session was for all the students of the college nd the classroom was filled to its capacity.

Impact: Improving English Communication Skills

Evidence: Circular and Register

Problem faced: Classes are on, so only a small group can benefit.


Title: Dr APJ Abdul Kalam : A Tribute

Venue: College Auditorium

Date: 15th October, 2015

Objectives: To pay tribute to the revered President of India, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam on his birthday, 15th October. He had left for his heavenly abode on 27th July, 2015 at IIM, Shillong.

Activity: The program was initiated and motivated by Dr Shukla Banerjee, Head of the English Department.

It was planned and organized by the active members of the English Language Society. A Power Point presentation was made on Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s Life, his Quotable Quotes, and his photographs. He was a youth icon, the Missile Man and a dreamer and motivator. Dr Kalam was a prolific writer and his works were highlighted by the students. A small skit on his life was enacted. Original Poems and prose tributes written by the students were recited and read out. A video capturing nuggets of thought on Kalam Ji was made and presented by the students, teachers, students, support staff. Small children residing on the campus also spoke sentimentally and candidly on the beloved President of India. The program was par excellence.

Number of beneficiaries: The Auditorium was filled to capacity, about 400 students.

Impact: A very sentimental tribute to one of the best minds of the age. The impact on the students was highly motivating and inspiring. Dreams cannot let you sleep, the unchallenged message for the youth by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.

Evidence: Circular, photographs, video.

Problem faced: Getting a projector and screen.








Title: English Carnival (On Speaking Skills)

Venue: College Auditorium

Date: 13th December, 2016

Objectives: To develop Oral Communication skills

Activity: The English Carnival on Speaking Skills was a grand success. There were a number of word games, Jest a Minute, and Extempore on easy fun topics. The Word Games included word chains, verb chains, spellings, word antakshari, rhyming words, give one word for, synonyms, antonyms and many others. One minute speeches were given on topics through picking up chits and it was enjoyed thoroughly by the students. Memory games with long chains on topics like, “I am on my way to Lehladakh / the Moon and I have packed.....”; “I love to play....” and many others were very interesting and generated a lot of interest in both the participants and the viewers.

The Faculty members of the English Department were the judges.

Number of beneficiaries: About 100 students

Impact: Developing confidence in speaking English in front of an audience. Fun activities lessen the fear of a language and helps in overcoming speech barriers.

Evidence: Circular

Problem faced: Nil


Title: Writing Skills Competition

Venue: English Language Lab

Date: 31st January, 2017

Objectives: To develop and evaluate the English writing skills of students.

Activity: The students were given on the spot topics and were asked to write Poems, Slogans, and Short Stories. The time given was two hours.

Number of beneficiaries: 25-30 students

Impact: Developing the courage to write down thoughts on the spot. Students learn to articulate their views and express themselves. The English Faculty members guide the students as they check their writing, correcting errors in vocabulary and grammar.

Evidence: Circular, Certificates.

Problem faced: Few participants as the competition is only in English




Circular :


Title: Pre Launch of a Book / ARK: the essence by Sourabh Acharya

Venue: E Classroom

Date: 7th October, 2018





bjectives: Pre Launch of ARK, the Essence, a book of poems by an ELS Member, Sourabh Acharya

Activity: Sourabh Acharya, a BSC Ist Year Defence Studies student wrote a book of poems and the publishers needed a Pre Launch program.  The program had a Power Point Presentation on his book, ARK: the essence. Questionnaires on the poems and its impact were circulated. There was a Question – Answer session with the poet. Questions were asked on what inspires the young poet to write; the topics close to his heart; at what age he started writing and others. Sourabh Acharya gave candid answers, and gave a lot of credit to his parents, specially his mother. His parents were present in the hall and they were proud and touched by the achievement of their son. They were grateful to the English Faculty members for providing their son a platform for the Pre launch.

It is a matter of pride for the institution that a young poet from among the students has proved himself as a poet.

The book is available on Amazon. (https;//www.amazon.in/dp/ BO79VPL5PS/. )

Number of beneficiaries: About 60-70 members of the English Language Society who were present in the E- classroom.

Impact: Motivational program for budding poets and writers.

Evidence: Circular, photographs

Problem faced: Setting up the Projector.


Circular :

Title: Personality Development and Career in the Army

Venue: E Classroom

Date: 11th November, 2017

Objectives: To inspire students to join the Indian Army; To develop the Personality Traits that are important in the field

Activity: The Guest Speaker of the program was Major Bharat Yadav, an Alumni of the College. He began his talk with the major personality traits that are important for Army aspirants. He spoke in detail about major traits of courage, decision making, confidence, leadership, team spirit and many others.

The second part of his talk was on how to prepare for NDA and CDS examinations and all the stages therein. Major Yadav is in the Armoury section. He gave a very interesting presentation on this line. Presentations of his different postings were awe inspiring. The students had a heart to heart interactive conversation with Major Bharat Yadav as he spoke as one of them, an alumni. He spoke at length about the hardships faced by Army personnel, and the sense of service, patriotism and commitment that this line of service demands.

The interesting session continued for over two hours and was enthralling due to the speaker’s informal oratory skills and the wonderful scenes on army life.

Another point that was highlighted was that Major Bharat Yadav’s father, Colonel KL Yadav has been rendering free guidance to Army aspirants and more than 50 students from Raipur have been placed in the Army due to his selfless service to the cause of the Army. Other alumni of the college have also been posted in the Army due to his efforts. Tony Joseph and Bonnie Upadhyaya are two names.

Number of beneficiaries: About 80 -90 Students of the college.

Impact: The program was of high impact as it motivated students about planning a career in the Indian Army.

Evidence: Circular and photographs

Problem faced: Setting up the Projector



Title: Fun Activities in English and Debate Competition

Venue: Classroom F-41

Date: 21st November, 2017

Objectives: To develop Debating Skills; to overcome the fear of English through Fun oral Activities.

Activity: The topic of the Debate that had been declared in advance was “The media’s presentation of society is good”. There were inspired speakers who argued for and against the motion. The medium of the debate was English.

The Fun Activities section had Jest a Minute, word Games and Spell Bee.

Dr Charlotte D’Souza and Dr Rita Soni were the judges for the oral skills.

Writing Skills Competition: Short Story Writing, Slogans and Poetry Writing were conducted. The topics were declared on the spot.

Number of beneficiaries: About 30 -40 members of the English Language Society

Impact: Inspire the sense of debate, enhance Communication skills and learn to articulate thoughts and express on the spot without prior preparation.

Evidence: Circular, photographs, prize winners list and certificates.

Problem faced: Only few students participate as theory and practical classes are on.




itle: Writing Skills Competition

Venue: English Language Lab

Date: 18th January, 2018

Objectives: To inspire writing skills in English

Activity: Writing Skills Competition on Short Story Writing, Poetry Writing and Writing Advertisements was organized. The topics were declared on the spot.

Poetry writing topics: God, Nature, Life, Memories.

Short Story Writing topics: A letter; An email; Suddenly the door opened....

Writing Advertisements Topics: Food products; Beauty Products; Hotels; Coaching Classes; Hospitals    

Judges: Dr Sunayana Mishra and Dr Harsh Sharma

Number of beneficiaries: 30 -40 students of the English Language Society.

Impact: Encourage creative writing skills, and powers of expression..

Evidence: Circular, prize winners and certificates

Problem faced: Few participants due to theory and practical classes.


Title: Writing Skills Competition

Venue: English language Lab

Date: 12th October 2018


Activity: The writing skills competition had different areas that tested the skills of the students.

Slogans: Topics for slogan writing were Elections/ Environment. 

Advertisement: Marketing and Advertisement are very important areas today. Topics given to the students were: Food Products, Shoes, Cosmetics, and others.

Paragraph Writing tests skills of brief focused writing. Paragraphs were written on Youth and elections.

Essay Writing: Topic was  

Short Story Writing explored the free creative spirit of the participants.

Writing Poetry: Topics were

Cartoons: Wit and artistic skills tested.

Spelling Test: Spellings of words that are often misspelt were asked. No one scored full marks.

Number of beneficiaries: 35-40 students

Impact: Learning expression in English. Tips on writing skills were given to the students. 

Evidence: Circular, results and photographs

Problem faced: Few students


Title: Oral Skills Competition

Venue: English Language Lab

Date: 5th January, 2019

Objectives: To motivate students for oral skills in English

Activity: Extempore was organized with topics related to media, social network sites, youth, India Today, democracy, economic condition of the country and other thought provoking areas.

Group Discussion on Role of Youth in Elections

Jest a minute: Fun Topics were selected from chits. One minute preparation and one minute for speaking was given to the students.

Reading Skills: Passages were distributed on the spot for reading aloud. Fluency, pronunciation and enunciation noted.

Recitation Competition: Students recited self selected poems. They were marked on Pronunciation, enunciation, emphasis, voice modulation and expressions.

Judges: Dr Harsh Sharma and Dr Sunayana Mishra

Dr Harsh Sharma gave valuable guidance to the students about Group Discussion. It was very useful for the students as GD is an important step in any selection procedure. 

Number of beneficiaries: 40-45 students, members of the English language Society

Impact: Tips on Group Discussion; Confidence building in Public Speaking

Evidence: Circular, photographs, Prize winners.

Problem faced: Few participants as Theory and Practical classes cannot be missed.













Online Refresher Course in English on Literary Theory, Criticism and Research

24th August to 05th September 2020

The first ever online Refresher Course organized by Pt Ravishankar Shukla University was coordinated by Dr Savita Singh.

It was organized from 24th August to 5th September 2020. Participants for the Refresher Course joined in from Kashmir to Kerala, a wonderful representation of the unique diversity of India. Participants represented Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Puducherry, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha.



  1. English Language Lab
  2. Network Resource Centre