Library Services
The college Library is well equipped with the latest communication media and information technologies like web-based information, CD Rom database search, OPAC, internet browsing as it is well connected through Fiber LAN. This library has become a HUB connected on LAN with all automated centralized facilities and acting as a nodal center for disseminating all kind of Science information to its users. The library is linked with various consortiums for online journals and thesis repository. College library maintains around sixty thousand collections of books, reference book, reports, thesis, monograph, back volumes of, journals, CD ROM Database, e-resources etc. Library subscribes >250 journals in physical and/or in electronic forms.
Internet Connectivity: Whole library is facilitating with WI-FY for internet browsing.
The library offers a wide range of services from references books to the electronic information services by ensuring appropriate services to the academic community and Lends facilities on a regular basis. The library provides the following basic services: -
1. Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) :- Library book catalogue is available in online form, which is a systematically records the holding collection to find the physical location information for easier search on SOUL 2.0 .The Library book catalogue are Author-based, Subject, title- based searching and other advanced aided search facilities are characterized under OPAC are available on the online form which systematically record the holding/collection to find out the physical location and information ofthe
Online Public Access Aatalogues (opac)
libsys and SOUL OPAC.
Online Public Access Aatalogues (opac)
libsys and SOUL OPAC.
2. Reference & Information Services: - Reference service: Long range and ready reference services are provided to the users.
3. Reading Room Services: - More than 80 students Can read in the reading room along with new arrival books, newspapers, competitive books, health, sports magazines and research Journals which play vital roles to boost students and lead to groom them to the present scenario of competition and communication.
4. Reprography: - Photocopy service is available to the users for Rs 1.00 per page. It is the facility for reproduction of documents with printing and microfilming.
5. Library Users: - More than 3,000 users including the UG/PG/Research scholar students, teaching and Non-teaching Staff are benefitted by the Library.
6. Book Bank Scheme: - The text book /book bank scheme is facilitated and the SC, ST and BPL Students derive benefit this scheme SC/ST/BPL students are given prescribed text books.
7. Orientation Programme:- The orientation programme scheme is followed for the fresher students.
01.Awareness Program
Regular training at frequent intervals are organized for, research associates and students to train them to access the electronic information on CD ROM, OPAC and on various databases for knowing latest technology in the field of information retrieval.
02.User Education Programme
Library provide to PG & Ph.D. students, teaching, training Programme Education Program training are organized frequently at every year .
08.INFLIBNET (N-List) facility
The e-books and e-journals are also available in the library through the library has INFLIBNET (N-List) facility for accessing 97000+ e-books and 6000+full text e-journals and the number is increasing from time to time.
Discovery Portal The official website of DELNET-Developing Library Network is DELNET networks more than 6300 libraries in India and outside the country. It provides access to more than 3.5 crore records of Books, Journal Articles, etc. A link of Delnet Discovery Portal appears on the website
DELNET facility
The e-books and e-journals are also available in the library through the library has DELNET facility for accessing 2,90,00,000+ Books available for loan,40,000+ list of Journals ,5,000+ Full-text E-journals,1,00,000+ Thesis / dissertations is increasing every year.
10.Online Doctoral Thesis Repository
Shodh Ganga : Doctoral Thesis Repository, More than > 10,000 online full text thesis are available.
Online GNPGC Theses Repository: More than > 25 online full text GNPGC thesis available from 1970.
11.CD-ROM Database
Following Abstracting CDs ROM Database for bibliographic search are subscribed: SOIL CD, HORT CD, PI. GEN CD, and PL. Protection CD data base are used since 1972
12.In-house Repository
College library provide online information of elite college publications, seminar, symposia, Conference, Workshop proceedings, journals, and information of Thesis Bibliography/Theses Abstract, documents: GNPGCS Publications etc.
11.Loan Privilege/Circulation Bar-coded Circulation
Library provide Bar-coded Electronic Membership Cards and VVI cards to its readers for easy circulation and to know the borrower status.
13.Documentation Services
Current Awareness and Selective Dissemination of Information Service is done through: Library Bulletin, Documentation List, Bibliography of college Theses, Abstract of college Theses, Current, Contents of Journals, User profile, Document profile. Cumulative Index of Journals, Abstracting Services etc.
14.Scientific Information Exchange Service
College Publications, Journal of college issues, Annual reports and other publications provide to different institution under exchange services.
15.Inter Library Loan/Resource Sharing
Inter Library association & Resurgence sharing is done with folioing the Loan service from other institute to readers.
Library is equipped with latest security device folioing Security devices are available with the library.
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