Rules And Regulations of GNPGC Library
Rules and Regulations of GNPGC Library
10.30 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. on working days.
Max. No. of book can be issued
Overdue Fine per day (Rs.)
60 days
Ph. D. Students
30 days
Post graduate student
30 days
Under graduate student
30 days
Tech. Asset. / Research Scholars
30 days
Administrative staff
30 days
Rules of CD Rom Database, E-Resources & Internet Usages
Other Rules
Silence shall be strictly observed in the library.
8. The members are allowed to use reading room by submission of their library cards.
9. The readers are not allowed to mark, underline, dog-ear mark, write, tear pages and damage to the library documents.
10. Immense silence, and discipline are advised to maintain decorum.
Working Hours of the Library is
Access to Library
All the Bonafede staff members and students of GNPGC, Raipur are eligible to use library services and get books issued. Research workers of other institutes may also use the library services on request. However, no reading material is issued to them.
Every person who enters in the library shall sign on the visiting register, placed at the entry of library.
Bags, books, umbrellas and other personal belongings as asked to keep at a property counter. Only loose paper and pens/pencils are allowed to keep inside the library.
loan privilege is available
Electronic Bar-coded Membership card is issued for issue of books as under:
SC/ST Book Bank: Text books are issued under “Book Bank” scheme to SC/ST students only on Friday and Saturday. Two books is a maximum limit if available for one semester only, if book are not return after that fine is charged.
Book issued according to respective category for 31 days and may be recalled at any time.
A fine of Rs. 20/- is levied for issue a duplicate membership ID card. A member who has lost a card required to make written reports of the same to the librarian.
Electronic Bar-coded membership ID card is nontransferable. The borrower shall be responsible for the loss/damage of books and other library materials issued on their cards.
The book may be renewed for another period of 30 days provided there is no demand from other readers.
Reference book are issued for overnight to Research scholars, Teaching staff and P.G. students, provided another copy available on same title. Otherwise reading materials must be returned on the very next day before 11.00 AM. Various CD ROM database, reading materials in electronic forms, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Yearbooks, thesis and statistics are will not issue. The overdue charge for above materials is charged Rs. 1.00 per hour.
CD ROM Database, e-Resources and internet services are available for information retrieval.
Users are allowed to use this facility only for academic & educational purpose to fill prescribed indent form & not for personal purposes.
User is not allowed to make any change in the setting of PC, adding any executable programs, deleting files etc.
Depending upon the rush, time constraints may be applied by the library staff on duty.
All the user are required to make entry in the register kept for this purpose.
User should not remove/damage any hardware/software, etc. or interchange keyboard, mouse etc.
Laptop and computers may be used in the library at own risk.
Mobile phone are asked to switch off while entering the library.
Smoking and spitting are strictly prohibited in the library.
No user of the library shall write by pen or pencil or any mark or remark or damage any publication of the library.
If any publication is lost or disfigured or if any page of picture is removed by the readers, he/she will be required to replace it by a new copy. If readers fail to do so, reader will be required to pay the present cost of the materials and also pay the fine as decided by the librarian. If books are out of print (with publishers proof) than reader will pay double cost of the book with late fees. The decision of the librarian shall be final in case of controversy.
Each student is entitled for the membership of the library.
2. The members have open access to the library therefore they are restricted to deposite their briefcases, bags, umbrellas, lunch boxes and other personal belongings at the entrance in custody of the property counter in-charge.
3. The members have to show their library card on entering the library, while borrowing books and journals and librarian or library staff ask to show the library card again may at any time.
4. The member have to sign on the register being made available at the entrance.
Two books are issued to the students for the period of 15 days and students may renew the same issue for the additional 15 days. The faculty members are issued 5 books for the period of 30 days .
6. On retaining books for more than the stipulated time period is liable to slap/impose fine for. 0.50 paise /day/book.
7. A nonmember may also use the library in the premises by the permission of the librarian.
11. The members are expected to behave in a reasonable and decent manner in the library and must not damage the library properties and disturb other members.
12. Smoking, eating, sleeping and talking loudly ,creating nuisance are strictly prohibited in the Library.
13. The newspapers and magazines must be read only in the library on the specific tables and should not be taken to any other reading spots.
14. Mobil, Phones are asked to switch off while entering the library.