शासकीय नागार्जुन स्नातकोत्तर विज्ञान महाविद्यालय ,रायपुर
Government Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur
Established 1948
Affiliated to Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur
Year of establishment -
U.G .- 1948
P.G. - 1956
Name of programs offered-
U.G. - B.Sc.
P.G. - M.Sc
Ph .D. - Chemistry
Examination pattern
U.G. - Semester System
P.G. - Semester system
Total number of Ph.D.
Awarded - 10
Ph.D. Pursuing - 04
Admin .Staff
Technician - 02
Non Technical - 02
Number of Labs
U.G. - 02 + 01 (Balance Room)
P.G. - 04
Research Lab - 01
Number of books in Departmental library - Approximate -2300
Total Number Journals: - 170
Total Abstract:- 130
A) Vision- 1. To increase academic efficiency of students.
2. To involve more of our faculty toward research activity.
B) Mission-1. To enrich our students with adequate information for making them well aware about present situation.
2. Seeking job opportunities in both industries and academics.
3. Teaching them to use their scientific skills for betterment of society.
4. To Nurture and promote among them the lesson of integrity and co- operation.
5. To develop scientific practices in day today life.
6. To develop certificates in carrier skills needed for success in work place.
C) SWOC Analysis-
UGC (CPE) grant for academic growth.
Photo |
Name |
Designation |
Highest Qualification |
Specialization |
Gmail/Contact |
Dr. S.K. Patle |
Professor and Head |
M.Sc., Ph.D. |
Physical |
9424226611 |
Dr. Paresh Chandra Sharma |
Asst. Prof. |
M.Sc. Ph.D. |
Inorganic |
9424217317 |
Dr. Sanjay Ghosh |
Asst. Prof. |
M.Sc. Ph.D. |
Physical |
drsanjayghosh1804 7587362526 |
Dr. Sunita Sanwaria Singh |
Asst. Prof. |
M.ScM.TechPh.D |
Physical, Polymer |
sanwaria.sunita 8527547792 |
Dr.Deepak Sinha |
Asst. Prof. |
M.Sc. Ph.D. |
Inorganic |
9425290603 |
Dr. Anju Jha |
Asst. Prof. |
M.Sc. Ph.D. |
Analytical |
8827819316 |
Dr. Ravi Banjare |
Asst. Prof. |
M.Sc. Ph.D. |
Analytical |
999380620 |
Dr. Vinod Jena |
Asst. Prof. |
M.Sc. Ph.D. |
Physical |
9617656388 |
![]() |
Dr Archana Asatkar | Asst. Prof. | M.Sc. Ph.D | Organic |
asatkar 7623995917 |
Resume |
Dr. Saroj Sharma |
Asst. Prof. |
M.Sc. Ph.D. |
Inorganic |
9685153536 |
Mrs. Mitisha Baid |
Asst. Prof. |
M.Sc., NET |
General Chemistry |
9770993871 |
Dr. Sarabjot kaur Makkad |
Asst. Prof. |
M.Sc., Ph.D., NET |
Organic |
7875391422 |
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Dr Varsha Chandrakar | Asst. Prof. | M.Sc., Ph.D., NET | General Chemistry |
varsha31.chandrakar 7987196090 |
Resume |
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Dr Mithilesh Kumari Gupta | Asst. Prof. | M.Sc., Ph.D. | Organic |
mithilesh17gupta 9907998454 |
Resume |
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Dr Chhaya Bhatt | Guest Faculty | M.Sc., Ph.D., SET | General Chemistry |
chhaya05bhatt 7828960429 |
Resume |
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Dr. Anjali Verma | Guest Faculty | MSc, M.Phil, Ph.D. | General Chemistry |
dranjali632 8602755894 |
Resume |
Photo |
Name |
Designation |
Highest Qualification |
Contact Number |
Mohit Kumar Dhruw | Lab Technician | BSc (Bio) | 9131616045 | mohitdhruw1973@gmail.com |
NarrotamKashyap |
Lab Attended |
M.A., SET |
9981847745 |
narottamkashyap@gmail.com |
Durga Chouhan |
Lab Attended |
B.Sc. (CBZ) |
9753123587 |
durgachouhan16@gmail.com |
List of Publication:
S. No. |
Name of Professor/ Assistant Professor |
Title of Research Paper |
Year of Publication |
Journal Name |
Volume and Page No. |
1. |
Dr. Sanjay Ghosh |
Study of water quality index assessment of ground water and pond water Sirsakala village of Bhilai-3, Chhattisgarh, India.
Trans Steller, IJCEIERD, USA
Vol. 3 (5), pp. 63-74 |
2. |
Dr. Sanjay Ghosh |
Study of activity coefficient of Hydrochloric acid in 2-propanol-water mixture by Electromotive force measurement method. |
2014 |
Iranian Chemical Society, Iran |
Vol. 2 (1), XXX
3. |
Dr. Sanjay Ghosh |
Thermodynamic First dissociation constant of amino acid in dioxin-water mixture by potentiometric method. |
2015 |
Internatiol Journal of Engineering Research & Techonology, ISNCESR-2015 (Conference Proceeding) |
pp 38-41 |
4. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
The impact of fly ash on photosynthetic activity and medicinal property of plants |
2013 |
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci.
2(8), 382-388 |
5. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Simple, Rapid and Sensitive UV-Visible Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Anti-depressant Amitriptyline in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms |
2013 |
Journal of Spectroscopy
doi:10.1155/2013/783457 |
6. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Traceability issue in PM2.5 and PM10 measurements |
28(3), 153-166
7. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Biomass burning is a major source of particulate matter in Indian cities
2014 |
Journal of Applicable Chemistry
3(3), 1268-1271 |
8. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Aerosol effective density measurement using scanning mobility paricle sizer and quartz crystal microbalance with the estimation of involved uncertainity
2016 |
Atmospheric Measurement Technique |
9(3), 859 |
9. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Recent development on the understanding of aerosol nucleation and growth |
2017 |
Indian Journal of Air Pollution Control |
16(2), 61-75 |
10. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Postmonsoon evaluation of surface water with reference of statistical parameters of Korba district, Chhattisgarh, India |
2017 |
Indian Journal of Scientific Research |
13(2), 68-74
11. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Role of MTHFR 667 C>T Polymorphism on blood homocystein and suscep-tibility to Hypertension
2017 |
International Journal of Human Genetics,
17(3), 118-125 |
12. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
The effect of physical activity on blood homo-cystein concentration
2017 |
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
6(9), 1206-1216, |
13. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Physico-chemical analysis of ground water of selected area of Raipur City |
2017 |
Indian Journal of Scientific Research |
13(1), 61-65,
14. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Ground water quality assess-ment by multivariate factor analysis |
2017 |
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment |
21(8), 21-25,
15. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Label-free selective detec-tion of Ampicillin drug in human urine samples using silver nano particles as a colorimetric sensing probe |
2017 |
New Journal of Chemistry
41, 6685-6692, |
16. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Size-segregated sugar composition of transported dust aerosols from middle-east over Delhi during March 2012 |
2017 |
Atmospheric Research
189, 24-32 |
17. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Physico-Chemical contamination of water in an around Central industrial areas of Bhilai, Durgdistrict C.G. |
2017 |
Asian Journal of Chemical and Environmental Research
10 |
18. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Quantification of Antimony by Spectrophotometric and Atomic Absorption Technique in Industrial Effluent |
2017 |
Asian Journal of Chemical and Environmental Research
10 (1-4), 67-72 |
19. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Assessment of heavy metals on environment and its impact on human health |
2017 |
Acta Ciencia Indica
XLIII C(4), 519-526 |
20. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Conductometric Studies on the Thermal Effects on Micellar Solubilization of Acetazolamide – A Diuretic Drug |
2017 |
Journal of Ravishankar University-B
30 (1&2), 74-77 |
21. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Effect of Cadmium on metabolism- A study from coal field area |
2018 |
Journal of Applicable Chemistry |
7(1), 272-275 |
22. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Seasonal variations in mass concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 at traffic intersection and residential sites in Raipur city |
2018 |
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment |
22(1), 25-31 |
23. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Aqueous Solubility En-hancement of Spirano-lactone: Effect of Surfactant |
2018 |
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology
6(IV), 2922-2926 |
24. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Toxicity and Behavioral Changes in Freshwater Fish Tilapia Exposed to Orient Paper Mill Effluent |
2018 |
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts
6(2), 1355-1358 |
25. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Antibacterial Activity of Some Cinnamo Hydroxamic Acid and their Derivatives |
2018 |
International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry
Sec. A; 7(2), 355-360 |
26. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Quantification of Cr (VI) by Spectrophotometric and Atomic Absorption Tech-nique in Industrial Effluent |
2018 |
Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology
Sec. A; 7(2), 279-287 |
27. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Solubility Enhancement of Furosemide in Micellar Solution of Cetyl Trimethyl-ammonium Bromide |
2018 |
European Journal of Biomedical and Pharma-ceutical Sciences
5(5), 792-794 |
28. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Studies on the Micellar Properties of Anionic Surfactant in the Absence and Presence of Spirono-lactone at Room Temp-erature |
2018 |
International Journal of Current Advanced Research
7,4(F), 11685-11687 |
29. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Mass Concentration of PM2.5 During Diwali in Raipur |
2018 |
Indian Journal of Environmental Sciences
22(1), 50-53 |
30. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Periodic Water Quality Monitoring of Ground Water in Jashpur District (C.G.) India |
2018 |
Journal of Applicable Chemistry
7(3), 668-675 |
31. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Ambient Air Quality Status in an Industrial Area of Raipur City in the Year 2015 |
2018 |
Journal of Applicable Chemistry
7(3),647-653 |
32. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Synthesis, Characterization and Antifungal Activity of p-CH3 Benzyl and p-Cl Benzyl Cinnamo Hydro-xamic Acids |
2018 |
International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry
Sec A, 7(3), 489-499 |
33. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
A Case Study on the Seasonal and Spatial Variations in PM10 and PM2.5 in an Urban Envi-ronment of Raipur City
2018 |
Indian Journal of Environmental Protection
38(11), 914-919 |
34. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Toxicity Evaluation of Metal in Groundwater of Central Industrial Area of Bhilai- Durg Twin City |
2018 |
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
5(6), 553-556 |
35. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Interaction of Sitagliptin with Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS): A Physico-chemical study. |
2018 |
Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Res
8(2), 20-23 |
36. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Determination of Para-cetamol in Industrial Effluents samples by the method followed spectro-photometer. |
2018 |
Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Res
8(2), 67-71 |
37. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Effect of Sitagliptin on micellization of Cetyl Trimethylammonium Bromide |
2018 |
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
5(2), 1612-1615 |
38. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
A case study on the comparison of PM2.5 mass concentration measured by Beta Attenuation Monitor and Gravimetric Method |
2018 |
Indian Journal of Environmental Protection
38(8), 683-686 |
39. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Nighttime particle growth observed during spring in New Delhi: Evidences for the aqueous phase oxidation of SO2 |
2018 |
Atmospheric Environment |
188, 82-96 |
40. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Experimental and theoretical approaches for the selective detection of thymine in real samples using gold nanoparticles as a biochemical sensor |
2018 |
RSC Advances
8, 24328-24337
41. |
Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Physico-Chemical analysis of drinking water quality of Bemetara town of Chhattisgarh state |
2018 |
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
5(3), 171-178 |
42. | Dr. Deepak Sinha |
Assessment of Physico-chemical Properties of Pond Water in Bemetara Town of Chhattisgarh State |
2018 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 5(8),112-120,(2018) | 5(8),112-120 |
42. |
Dr. Anju Jha |
Precipitation of Lead with Rain Water in Chhattisgarh. |
2014 |
International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment |
4, 145-148. |
43. |
Dr. Anju Jha |
Spectrophotometric Determination of Nickel (II) in Vegetable oil and Sediments , |
2016 |
An International Registered and Referred Journal Research Link |
XIV(11), 41-42. |
44. |
Dr. Saroj Sharma |
Composition and sources of organic tracers in aerosol particles of industrial central India,
2013 |
Atmospheric Research |
120-121 |
45. |
Dr. Saroj Sharma |
Chemical Properties of Drinking water in Bhilai Durg Chhattisgarh India and its impact on Human health Research
2014 |
Journal of Science and Technology |
6 (2) |
46. |
Dr. Saroj Sharma |
Diurnal Study of VOCs in Raipur , Chhattisgarh.
2014 |
5 (1) |
47. |
Dr. Saroj Sharma |
Acid Value of Various Domestic Uses of Oil Research. |
2015 |
Journal of Science and Technology |
7(2) |
48. |
Dr. Saroj Sharma |
Polychlorinated Biphenyls Contamination of sludge in India.
2015 |
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry |
6 |
49. |
Dr. Saroj Sharma |
Contamination of Environment with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in India.
2015 |
Journal of Environmental Protection 6 |
6 |
50. |
Dr. Saroj Sharma |
Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds in the atmosphere of industrial central India. |
2016 |
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry |
51. |
Dr. Ravi Banjare |
Regional and transpoted aerosols in ambient atmosphere of Raipur, India, during winter |
2017 |
Journal of Ravishankar university-B |
30(1&2), 7-17 |
52. |
Dr. Sarabjot Kaur Makkad | pi-Conjugated Chromophore Incorporated Polystyrene Nanobeads as Single Optical Agent for Three Channel Fluorescent Probe in Bioimaging Application. | 2017 | ACS Biomaterial Science & Engineering | 3, 1788−1798 |
53. |
Dr. Sarabjot Kaur Makkad |
Surface Functionalized Fluorescent PS Nanobead based Visual Dual Distinct Sensor for the detection of Volatile Organic Compounds. |
2018 |
Analytical Chemsitry |
90, 7434–7441. |
54. |
Dr. Sarabjot Kaur Makkad |
Designed Amphiphilic Polymer as Surfactant for Miniemulsion Polymerization of Oligo (p-phenylene vinylene) Incorporated Polystyrene Nanobeads for Water Based Visual Detection of Bilirubin. |
2019 |
ACS Applied Polymer Materials |
1, 1230–1239.
55. | Dr. Sarabjot Kaur Makkad | Amine Decorated Polystyrene Nanobeads incorporating pi-Conjugated OPV Chromophore for Picric acid Sensing in Water. | 2020 | RSC advances | 10, 6497 - 6502. |
56. | Dr. Sarabjot Kaur Makkad |
Fluorescent Polystyrene Nanoparticles For Bio-imaging
Applications (Expert Opinion)
2021 | Pharmaceutical Resonance | 3, 3-4. |
57. | Dr. Sarabjot Kaur Makkad |
Fluorescent Polymer For Visual Solid State Sensing of Volatile
Organic Compounds
2022 | US Patent | US20210088449 |
58. | Dr. Sarabjot Kaur Makkad |
Water Soluble Polymer Surfactant For Synthesis of
Polystyrene Nanobeads Toward Detection of Bilirubin in Human Serum
2023 | US Patent | US20210255206A1 |
59. | Dr. Sarabjot Kaur Makkad |
Fluorescent Polymer For Visual Solid State Sensing of Volatile
Organic Compounds
2023 | Indian Patent | IN201811006753 |
60. | Dr. Sarabjot Kaur Makkad |
A Process for Simultaneous Visual Detection of Fluoride and
Arsenic ion using Carbon Quantum Dots
2023 | Indian Patent | 201811007112 |
61. |
Mitisha Baid |
Synthesis and Morphological study of Mn doped ZnS Films |
2018 |
Materials Today: Proceedings |
5, 15285-15291. |
62. | Varsha Chandrakar | Ultrasensitive nanodrop spectrophotometric assay of Pb (II) using green fabricated gold nanoparticles | 2021 | Bull. Mater. Sci. Springer | 45(4):1 8 |
63. | Varsha Chandrakar | Green fabrication of silver nanoparticles via Ipomea carnea latex extract: Antibacterial activity. | 2022 | J. Ind. Chem. Soc. Elsevier | 100648 |
64. | Varsha Chandrakar | Greener approach for gold nanoparticles synthesis from fruit peel extract of Manilkara zapota: a fluorometric assay for determination of thiourea | 2022 | Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, Taylor and Francis | 24:1-9 |
65. | Varsha Chandrakar | Greener production of silver nanoparticles: a sensitive nanodrop spectrophotometric determination of biothiols | 2022 | Chem. Papers, Springer | 75 (7) 3327–3336 |
Please Visit Homepage for Latest Sullybus
Ø M.Sc. Students visited “Aero-Agro Chemical Industry”, Raipur for Industrial tour on 14th November 2014.
Ø M.Sc. Students visited Chemistry Lab of CSPDCL Korbaon 16th January 2015 under Industrial tour.
Ø One day workshop organizedon “Lab course of 11th and 12th classes”, by PG students at Mintu International Public Schoolon 23rd January 2015.
Ø One day workshop organized on “Lab course of 11th and 12th classes”, by PG students at Pt. J.N. Pandey Govt. H.S. Schoolon 24th January 2015.
Images: Aero-Agro chemical industry, Raipur
Image: Chhattisgarh State Power Development Co-orporation Limited, Korba
M.Sc. Students visited “Essential Oil and Herbal Plants,”Birkoni, Mahasamund on 17. October 2015under Industrial tour.
· PG student participated in 28 days training course at CIPET Raipur.
Image: Essential Oil and Herbal Plants,” Birkoni, Mahasamund
Entrepreneurship development program for M.Sc. IVth semester students have been organized in CIPET, Raipur Feb. 2016.
State level camp of “Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan” has conducted on 5th March 2017 for the motivation of Science education.
Industrial visit of M.Sc. Ist and IIIrd Semester at Essential Oil and Herbal Plant, BirkoniDist-Mahasamund, (C.G.) on 10 Nov. 2017.
· Industrial Visit on 26th Feb. 2018 M.Sc. IInd and IVth Semester student at Sarda Energy and Mineral Ltd. Phase-I Industrial Growth Centre Siltara, Raipur.
· Special Lecture on “Fire Safety and Security,” on 4th November 2017- Speaker Mr. Ashish K. Roy (President SEML, Raipur).
Image: Essential Oil and Herbal Plant, BirkoniDist-Mahasamund (C.G.)
Image:Lecture on Fire Safety and Security
Activities 2022-23
Guest Lecture 2024-25
Name of the student |
State PSC |
Hemant Deshmukh |
Assistant Professor (CG PSC) |
Nasir Ahmed |
- |
Assistant Professor (CG PSC) |
Ashish Aasatkar |
Assistant Professor (CG PSC) |
Pawan Namdev |
Rajeshwari Jaiswal | NET | ||
Ashok Bharti | NET | ||
Jeevan Patel | NET | ||
Aradhana Jaiswal | GATE | ||
Pawan Kumar |
Aradhana Dewangan |
Shilmani Verma | NET | ||
Pratibha Sahu |
- |
Saurav Gupta |
- |
- |
Laxmi Dhruw |
- |
- |
- |
Kishor Chouhan |
- |
Reena Jamulkar |
Assistant Professor (CG-PSC) |
Minesh Markam |
Lecturer Polytechnique College |
Tekram Sahu | Lecturer Polytechnique College | ||
Koushilya Mannewar |
- |
- |
Triveni Dewangan |
- |
- |
Bhumkesh Keshri |
- |
- |
Ashok Bharti |
- |
- |
Aradhana Dewangan |
- |
- |
Apoorva Ogry |
- |
- |
Harvinder Kurrey |
- |
- |
Vinayak Sahu | SET | NET | Assistant Professor (CG-PSC) |
Kaushilya Mannewar | SET | Assistant Professor (CG-PSC) | |
Nayanee Tandi | NET | Assistant Professor (CG-PSC) | |
Ashok Sahu | Lecturer Polytechnique College | ||
Shruti Vaishnav | Chemist PHE | ||
Roshan Verma | Food Safety Officer | ||
Ehsan Tigga | Food Safety Officer | ||
Tejram Dewangan | NET | ||
Prashant Dewangan | NET | ||
Poornima Sahu | NET | ||
Hiralal Sahu |
Nikesh Dewangan | SET |
Nemichand |
Lokeshwar Sahu | SET | NET | |
Vinod Kumar | SET | NET |
S. No. |
Name of Instrument |
Quantity |
1. |
Spectrophotometer (Dual Display) |
4 |
2. |
Digital pH meter |
2 |
3. |
Potentiometer |
2 |
4. |
Conductometer |
2 |
5. |
Digital Balance |
10 |
6. |
Melting Point Apparatus |
5 |
7. |
Fire Extinguisher |
10 |
8. |
Thermometer (360ºC) |
50 |
9. |
Oven |
2` |
10. |
Glass Distillation Unit |
3 |
11. |
Deep Freezer |
2 |
12. |
Thermostat |
2 |
13. |
Magnetic Stirrer |
2 |
14. |
Turbid Meter |
2 |
15. |
Nephalometer |
2 |
16. |
Polarimeter |
2 |
17. |
Vacuum Pump |
4 |
18. |
Steam Generator |
5 |
19. |
Electric Burner |
20 |
20. |
Solar Distilled Water Plant |
20 |
Unique Features: